Chapter 26

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4 weeks later

Christmas passed, the bliss of it now leaving. Can't wait till next year. It was quite the day really.

Aiden came over in the morning and I went over to his place in the after noon. When we were all crowded in my living room opening presents I couldn't be happier. Ashley got me a new bag, she knows me too well as for Aiden he got me.. A beautiful necklace. And I was honestly so shocked. It was stunning.

I on the other hand got him a ring, plain bold but I thought it would be nice.

But then I saw the necklace and I like shit myself I was like what the fuck.

He loved it though, at least he said he did. New Years is just around the corner only 5 days away. Everyone's throwing a party you know the usual get drunk have fun. But.. This year I wanted to just be together my family my friends just us. Ashley says she's throwing a little get together.


Knowing her it won't be little and there might be at least 50 people there. I don't plan on getting wasted this New Years I just want to pop some fire works and chill with my friends. I'm very thankful for this year. I'm glad I reconnected with Aiden and happy that turned into something more.

I sighed and got out of my bed. The passed month had been amazing I just hope it continues to be like that.


"Fireworks. Check. Cups. Check.."

I placed the cups on the table. Jack is suppose to be helping Ashley as well where is he?

"Sorry I'm late." Jack said all the sudden entering the room.

Ashley rolled her eyes "annoying guy.. Check.."

He frowned. "Hey I got the plates so you better shut-"

Ashley snatched the plates from Jack and placed them aside.



"So Ashley's throwing this.. Party I guess you can say and well, would you like to go with-"

"I'd love to go with you lizzy." Aiden said cutting me off with a smirk.

I smiled and rolled my eyes. Can't stay mad at him though. I get up from the chair and put my cup in the dish washer. I look over to see Aiden standing up as well. He turns his head and I quickly dash out of the kitchen.

I run all the way up stairs giggling softly. I make it to my room and leave the door slightly open. Now where to hide.. Hm

I leap on to my bed and get under the warm covers.

Oh he'll never suspect this.

How am I so sarcastic to myself.. Is that even possible I don't understand..

Just then I get cut off by a voice echoing through the house. "Lizzy..?"

Footsteps come up the stairs and I hear the door creak open. I don't move a muscle. I close my eyes and slow my breathing down.

"Liz.." I feel hands touch the covers and I squeak. Shit.

Immediately hands pull the covers off and I laugh. No no no the cold!

I scream as a pair of large arms wrap around me. They pull me down under the covers once again.

I look up to see Aidens childish gaze on me with a soft grin.

He closes his eyes and snuggles his face in my neck. I sigh.

He leaves little soft kisses along my jawline. I tilt my head back and moan giving him more access.

He finds a place just on top of my collarbone and begins to nibble softly.

"Your moans drive me crazy.." He says in a rough voice.

I find his lips and kiss them harshly, passion, lust, love all combined. He gets on top of me and slowly pulls my hair. I begin to pull his and he groans out slightly.

Lust fills his eyes and I stop and stare at them.

"I want you."

His eyes examine my face. Questioning.

"I want you more." He smashed his lips down to mine and I accept his tongue instantly.

"Sweetheart I'm home!" My mom yells as I hear the door slam. Aiden jumps up off me and falls on the ground with a thump.

My heart nearly flys out of my chest.


I stare at Aiden wide eyed, why is she home so early! I scramble off of the bed and run to the door I open it softly and calm myself.

"Hey mom. What's up?" I say casually. She glances at me from the kitchen and raises a brow.

Act natural

"What's up? Sweetheart the sky.."

I run my hands down my face. "No mom.. That's not what- you know what never mind." I laugh lightly and take another step down the stairs.

"Why are you home so early?" I question softly. She looks up at me with concern.

"Everything alright.." I smile wildly.

"Yes! Yes of course I'll be right back."
I rush into my room and grab Aiden by the hand. He quickly stands up and I walk him to the window.

He opens the window and grabs onto the branch. I whimper. This isn't a good idea but what choice do I have!

"Be careful!" I shout softly. He nods his head and climbs down the branch. Once his feet get closer to the ground he lets go of the branch and falls to the ground. I gasp.

He gets up and dusts himself off, "I'm ok." And with that he runs to his car and drives off. I laugh quietly. We're such weirdos.

I run downstairs and almost knock my mom over. Oops.

"Honey are you alright?" She says. Worry filling her voice.

"Fine I'm fine. I was just making sure no one was- nevermind" I say nervously. I take a seat on the couch in the living room.

"Soo.. what's for dinner?.."


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