Chapter 39

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Aiden's pov

I rubbed my eyes slowly, feeling the warmth of the covers beneath me making me not want to get up. I opened my eyes slightly and was met with sunshine pouring through.

I stretched my hand out and was met with a cold pillow. I frowned slightly, when Elizabeth doesn't sleep over I get a little upset. I don't know, it's just not the same without her. Her beautiful face needs to be the first thing that I see.

I craved her touch at the moment. To just be near her would satisfy me enough. I just need to be with her 24/7. If not I feel like I'm missing something. I'm not 100% myself. I know I sound like I'm insane. How could I possibly feel this way?

But I'm in love with her. I can't help it.

I gripped my phone and dialed the love of my life... Her sleepy voice made me smile immediately.

"The fuck you want?" She groaned through the phone. I laughed as I heard her move around.

"Good morning beautiful." I said softly.

A loud thump was heard from the other end, "shit it's Aiden.." She whispered. I don't think she realizes I can still hear her but I keep my mouth shut.

"Good morning handsome." She said sweetly. I stayed there for a second smiling to myself. But that moment was ruined when I heard a voice through the other line.

"You can call lover boy later I'm trying to sleep!" I heard Ashley yell.

I guess she spent the night. I chuckled when I heard a loud slap from the phone and a "AW you bitch! That's gonna leave a mark!" Lizzys voice soon returned.

"Hey I'll call you back. Why don't you come over and we can all eat breakfast together." She said sweetly as if not moments ago she hadn't slapped the shit out of her bestfriend. I nodded my head but then stupidly realized she couldn't see me.

"Be there in 10"

She giggled and then hung up.

I drove to her house and in a matter of minutes was there. There was no traffic and the air was thick and foggy.

I walked in to see Elizabeth on the couch napping. I made my way over to her sleeping form and kissed her gently on the lips she kissed me back and then suddenly pulled me along with her. We laughed together as I placed sweet kisses all over her precious face.

Ashley was currently in the kitchen making some eggs. She's secretly the best cook. She doesn't like to brag and says "I'll burn down the house" but if you give that girl some ingredients and kitchen appliances, then she can really make a meal.

My stomach growled just thinking about her making food I went to kiss Elizabeth again when a noise came from the hall.

The door bell went off. Huh I wonder who that could be. I glanced at lizzy and she gave me the same weird expression. She stood up and walked to the door. She turned it and opened it slowly. Shocked to see the other person on the outside.

"LIZZY OH MY GOODNESS!" Ethan said walking into the living room. He started pacing and pacing. Why is Ethan here? I stood there frozen. What in the world!

"Ethan! What's wrong? Why are you here?!" Elizabeth asked she was suddenly shaking. This can't be good.

"Look liz you need to leave." He said trying to catch his breath. Ashley ran into the living room a worried look on her face.

He grabbed her arms and looked her straight in the eyes "You need to leave right now.."

I stood up and went to grab Liz from her. Don't touch her she's mine. I hugged her and rubbed her arm slightly.

She gulped. "Wh-why?... Ethan what's wrong!?" He ran his hands through his hair.

"He's out Elizabeth! Luke is out and you need to leave!"

I froze in my spot. The hairs on my back stood up straight. No one moved a muscle. My blood ran cold at the sound of his words.

That little son of a bitch.

Just then a loud bang erupts from the door. It falls to the ground broken into shreds. Luke emerges with a wicked grin on his face.

"Hello again." He walks into the living room smiling.

I grab Elizabeth and pull her behind me. "What the fuck are you doing here?!" I yelled. My blood boiling. He wasn't going to take away Liz from me. No one was going to take her away.

"I'm here for her." He pointed his finger at Elizabeth and anger engulfed my whole body.

"You touch her and I swear I'll fucking kill you!" I screamed my voice laced in venom. No one moved or said a word.

That all changed when I blinked and saw that Elizabeth was now in Luke's grasp.

I screamed. "No! Get away from her!" I jumped forward wanting to feel his neck under my finger tips. But my body was shoved to the ground. I tried to get up but couldn't.

My mind was spinning I looked to see Elizabeth gasping for air. In complete pain and tears escaping her eyes.

"Aiden please." She choked her voice just above a whisper, "help me.."

Tears escaped my eyes as I saw her beautiful eyes begin to close and Luke's face turn into a sickening smile. I shoved and pulled and thrusted my arms all around me but couldn't move. I sat there useless.

He grabbed Elizabeth by her hair and carried her out the door. "NO! NO! ELIZABETH!" I struggled and struggled but couldn't get free. Ethan and Ashley seemed to have disappeared and when I tried to reach for the phone on the table everything went dark.

I woke up with a gasp. Sweat drenching my clothes I looked around and saw my room and bed. I grabbed my phone and checked the time 4:34am

I sighed. I rubbed my eyes and felt my whole face wet with tears. It was just a dream. Just a nightmare. I quickly dialed Elizabeth but only got her voice mail, she's most likely sleeping.

I tossed and turned that night. Not being able to go back to bed wondering what that dream meant. I knew I had to see Elizabeth first thing in the morning.

I had to make sure she was alright.

I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep finally. But no dreams came I was only met with darkness.


A/n currently at school. Slowly dying. Hope you all liked this chapter though. Vote and comment. ❤️

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