Chapter 19

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Today is Friday and that means

Pep rally

Everyone rushed into the gym and started getting seated with their friends on the bleachers.

The teachers standing on the side or in their classrooms grading paperwork.

And me?

Well I'm in the dance room currently having a crisis because I can't find my dance attire.

"Where is it!?" I put it right here I swear.

I curse under my breath.

This is going to be a disaster. I can't perform in my jeans and tank top I need my dance outfit.

Aha! Maybe it's in the dressing rooms.

I always drop shit there.

I run towards the dressing rooms and get through the crowd of dancers.

I see my red shimmering dance attire laying on a chair.

"That's were I put it!"

I quickly grab it and run to the bathroom to change.


"Five minutes ladies and then we're on." Mrs B said while trying to fix a girls pony tail.

She's a perfectionist.

Minutes later the adrenaline surges through me and I feel pumped and ready.

"Alright ladies go go."

We quickly run into the gyms with everyone seated.

The crowd goes wild. The cheerleaders immediately start chanting while the music begins.

We get into position and start our dance routine.

Making sure I have a smile plastered on my face I go through all the steps moves and motions as does all of the rest of the dancers.

Cheers erupt from the stands.

I glance towards the middle and see Ashley screaming her head off.

I smile even harder at my amazingly crazy bestfriend.

I look down a couple of rows to be met with Aidens eyes.

He sees me and smirks, I blush almost instantly and continue on the dance.

After more leaps and footwork we finish the routine with a striking pose and the school cheers.

We smile and make are way back to the dance room.

"That was amazing girls keep up the great work!" I say while hugging a bunch of my dance friends. I get many compliments and we laugh and wait till the pep rally ends.

The students pour out of the gym all excited to go home and have two days to themselves.

"Remember guys party at my place at 7! Everyone is invited WOO!"

I laugh while I see Brian trying to get people go to his party.

I meet up with Ashley and Ethan and we start chatting while going to the parking lot.

"Hey have you guys seen Aiden?" I question.

Ethan shrugs and Ashley shakes her head.

I make my way to my jeep when I see Aiden already there. I smile when are eyes meet.

"You know what imma actually ride with Ethan. " Ashley says patting Ethan on the back.

"What no you're n-"

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