The Nerd and the Popular Girl

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A/n - the first couple chapters suck ass. Just keep reading I swear it gets better I'm just too lazy to rewrite them. :/


"Im walking on sunshine!"

Oh god no.

"Yeahhhhh! I'm walking on sunshine! And don't it feel good!"

I turn slowly and see my phone buzzing on my nightstand. The snooze button seems tempting but I guess I have to look some what presentable the first day of school, I mean it is my senior year. I better make the most of it.

As I turn my annoying alarm off and drag myself out of bed I make my way to my sink and wait for the water to warm up. I rub my drowsiness off and look at the mirror. I shutter back in disgust, I grab my towel turning off the tap water and turn on the shower instead.

The beads of warm water heat me up and soothe my aches in my lower back, "Elizabeth! Hurry sweetie!" My mother pounds on my bathroom door and I quickly finish up.

"Coming mom" I yell back. I throw my hair up in a towel while I put on my jeans. I check the time and curse.

I'm always late.

I take my hair out of the towel and brush out my hair. "Hurry up hurry up..." I quickly mumble to myself as I add winged eyeliner and a coat of mascara. I add a little color to my face by putting on my favorite blush and add some chap stick.

As I take one last look at myself in my big mirror I rush off down stairs. My mom is dressed in her usual uniform for her job. "Looking good madre." I kiss her cheek and she throws me an apple while I grab my keys.

"Just don't be late the first day of school. Drive safe!" She yells, but I'm already out the door.

Once arriving at my destination I get my things and lock my car. My stomach rumbles. I really should have eaten something more then an apple for breakfast. I walk towards the main doors and see the usual group of jocks look me up and down. "Assholes." I whisper.

I smile slightly as I open the front doors.

"Welcome to hell everyone!" I yell while walking inside. People face me and laugh slightly.

"Liz! Love your shirt today!"

"And your makeup is spot on!"

"What type of jeans are those?"

I walk away from the crowd and go to my locker which happens to be next to..

"Hey bitch!"

I sigh as I look at Ashley Grey. "Ash get the fuck away from my locker. Por favor. Move." I shove her away and she pouts.

"GIVE ME ATTENTION!" She yells making people stare at her. Goodness gracious this woman. I hug her slightly and she calms down.

"You better now sweetheart?" I question her. She sniffles slightly.

"Yeah.." She smiles at me.

"Ok.." I smile as well and then push her, "Good." She falls slightly and I laugh, she just huffs while staring into space possibly planning my death.

You all must be confused but that's Ashley shes my best friend, and is also a little psycho, and can be inappropriate at times.. Ok all the time.

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