Chapter 41

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It's crazy to think that just last year, Aiden and I had never spoken to each other or even acknowledged one another's presence. But now, now we can't not be together. Insane right?

Graduation is coming up right around the corner, in 5 weeks we won't be high schoolers. We'll be college students or employees or whatever these seniors want to do with there life after school. But the important thing is, we won't all see each other as much.

The future has always scared me, maybe because when my father died it hit me that that is going to be my mother one day. Or Ashley, or Jack, or me... We all grow up and live. But how do we decide what we want to do?

I still don't know what I want to do when I grow up. And frankly I'm still searching for some options. I know I love dance and have a passion for it. But where will that take me? What will I do? I always ask myself these questions and get no where. But yesterday around 2:34am I was thinking and a new question hit me.

Where will Aiden be in my future?

What will he do? What college will he attend? I don't know any of this and like I said it's the future so obviously I'm not suppose to know.. But you can't help but wonder.. If maybe these certain things will happen.

I don't want us to go our different ways. But what choice do I have? I can't stop him from following any sort of dreams that he has. It wouldn't make me feel right knowing he could have done better if I wouldn't have gotten in the way.


I walked to lunch with my hand tightly around Aidens. I made my way to my seat and placed my purse down. I looked over at him and studied him for a moment.

"How did I get so lucky?" I ask softly. He turns his head and faces me a confused expression on his cute face.

"Pardon?" He asks.

Ugh he's so cute.

I smile and shake my head dissmissng the idea. Instead I grab my phone and make my way to the lunch line.

Yay lunch food

Please note my sarcasm.

Once I'm seated with my food and Ashley and Ethan are across from us we all eat in silence.

"We're seniors.." I say more to myself.

They all stare at me and take in what I said. They nod there heads. Ethan even stops eating.

"We need to make the most of the rest of the year.." I say, "we need to make every moment count."

"I agree." Ashley says as she takes a bite of her pizza and nods her head.

I stand up from my seat and look around. I glance at the cafeteria, you have the usual punk people, the "geeks", the cheerleaders, the stoners, the popular people.. And a couple loners.

I walk over to the stage that's in the end of the cafeteria.

"Lizzy what are you doing?" Aiden calls out. I don't reply. Truth be told I don't really know what I'm doing.

People start to notice that I'm walking to the stage, they stop their chatter and focus on me and what I'm about to do.

I go up the steps and walk to the microphone, I grab on to it. By now the whole cafeteria is silent.

I grip the mic and clear my throat. "Hello fellow students.."

I get cheers and hollers back. Everyone screaming my name.

"Elizabeth! Elizabeth!" The chanting began and I laughed.

"How are all of y'all doing today?" I said. Getting screams and a bunch of "goods" made me smile.

"Ok I need you all to listen. We're going to do something a little different.." There were whispers and many confused glances.

"Ok I need you all to stand up-"

Everyone immediately stood up. I laughed. "No no not now!" Everyone sat down. "When I say go, then stand up. But first let me explain what you all are going to do."

I waited for it to get settled down again and then put my mouth to the microphone.

"You are going to get up and move somewhere you have never sat before, you are going to find a table of people that you have never talked to before. You are going to mix it up."

There were whispers and a couple people began to eat again.

"I expect all to participate! Especially seniors. It's your final year you should get to know everyone that goes to your school before you leave.."

There were some hoots and hollers and I smiled.


Everyone got up and made there way to a different table. I saw punks talking to geeks and popular people talking to nerds. I smiled.

I walked down the stage and jumped off. I made my way to Aiden and kissed him on the lips, he smiled and kissed me back.

I looked around to see the whole cafeteria talking. There was laughter and happiness and half the people that are talking to each other never even knew the other existed.

I wanted to make others see all the opportunities they could be missing if they think about who they talk to and if they are in the same "group" as them.

After lunch everyone seemed a little happier, it wasn't the same old day. I saw people talking to new people and it made me smile.


Aiden invited me to his house for dinner.. I'm freaking out.

"Ashley! What the fuck am I going to wear!" I scream into the phone. She munched on another chip.

"Mmlooks I shinkf jusga go wiff da black an th migh fress." She said.

"Ashley stop eating! I can't understand you." She stopped munching and cleared her throat.

"Wear the black and white dress you have." She said. "There happy dumbass"

I rolled my eyes. "But-"

"No buts!" She screamed in a Russian accent. What the hell?

"No more buts you do dis I do something as well." She said.

"What's with the accen-"

"Be there in five BITCH" and with that she hung up and I sat on my bed waiting for her arrival.


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