Chapter 77

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I'm freakin out man!


Five weeks later.


I look in the mirror and touch my stomach lightly, tracing delicate designs. The bump is now a little noticeable and I smile. Two arms wrap around me and I giggle as they tighten around my shoulders.

"Goodmorning darling." Aiden kisses my neck gently and I close my eyes. He bends down and places a kiss on my stomach, "and good morning to you."

My heart swells at the moment. Sometimes I don't even realize what this means. I'm pregnant I'm creating a human inside my body.

"Oh my god. I'm creating a human inside of me." He gets up and I stare at him wide eyed. "I have a tiny little baby inside of me!"

"Well it's not at that stage yet but I mean yes-"

"Oh my god-"

"Shhh. Relax." He massages my shoulders and kisses me on the lips taking my mind off of everything.

The past month has been hectic, we've been running around trying to get everything ready for our wedding. We decided to keep it small and simple. Our love is everything to us, but having this wedding won't change anything between us.

"So what's the plan for today?" I slip on some leggings thankful that I can still fit into some of my pants.

"Well Ashley and Jacks airplane lands today, and the wedding planner said that she wanted to meet with us at 6 pm, to go over what cake we need-"

"Oh thank god!" I shout from the closet.

"What?" He asks raising a brow.

"Im craving cake. This is amazing.."

He chuckles softly and slips on his shirt, my ears suddenly catch the door bell ringing and I rush downstairs. "Hey are we expecting anyone?" Aiden calls from our room.

"I am!" I shout back. I grab the handle and turn it quickly opening the door.

"Hello Elizabeth."

"Hello grumpy!"

He chuckles softly, his actual name is joe but I guess grumpy just stuck. I open the door wider to let him in. He walks slowly towards my kitchen and I grin as I see Aiden step in as well. "Mr. Grump! How lovely to see you."

Grumpy smiles, "Same for you. So how's everything going? How's the baby?" My heart races at the mention of that word.

"Great!" I grin. "More then great actually I'm not even stressed about it. I'm more stressed out about our wedding.." Aiden glances at me and raises a brow.

"Cold feet?" Aiden questions.

"Of course not!" I laugh. "I just don't know how we're going to finish all of this in time. What if it rains?"

Joe and Aiden stare at each other and roll their eyes. "Hey I'm serious!" I giggle. "I mean this is an important day and I want it to be perfect and all and I'm two months pregnant also..." I trail off and joe stops me.

"Sweetheart, you're stressing yourself out. Relax and breath." I close my eyes and take a deep breath calming my nerves.

"Joe is right babe. Stress won't help. How about after we try the cakes with Ashley, we all go out and eat dinner. The whole gang." My eyes widen at his words.

"That sounds great!" I turn to grumpy, "can you make it?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world."


"I want French fries." I mumble biting on my nail slightly while looking at the menu. My eyes scan the pictures but I see no French fries.

"Maybe you can get the cheese burger from the kids menu with a side of fries?" Aiden looks at me with a smirk and I nod.

"But I want pasta too...." I whisper.

I look up in time to see Ashley enter with jack. His arms wrapped around her tightly and I nearly scream at the sight of them. "I missed you!" I rush over to them and wrap my arms around Ashley.

"Yeah totally feeling the love sister."

I roll my eyes and pull Jack into a hug as well, "how was the honeymoon?! Tell me everything, well actually not everything because well I'm your baby sister and I don't need to know all of that sort of inform-"

"It was beautiful." Ashley cuts me off grinning. "I mean getting a chance to travel all over Paris with this one for two weeks was.." she stops and looks at jack. "It was definitely magical."

"... AWWWWWWW." I smile so hard my cheeks hurt as I pull them towards our table with Aiden, grumpy, and mom.

"My baby!" Mom gets up and makes her way over to the adorable couple. She pulls Ashley into a hug first and jack just sighs.

"I get no love." He groans.

"Brother!" Aiden laughs. He tackles him in a bear hug and I swear it's like watching two little kids hug for the first time and never wanting to let go.

"Finally!" Jack shouts, "someone who appreciates me!" He turns towards the table, "and mr. Grump! How wonderful to see you." He hugs him gently while Joe smiles.

"Great to have you back kid."


"No way you guys got lost?!" I stuff my face with three French fries as Ashley nearly chokes on her soda from laughing.

"We were looking at the building it was so beautiful! We lost track of time! The tour totally just left us-"

Jack interrupts, "and to be fair I mean that lady leading the tour totally had something against love. I mean every time Ashley and I would kiss she would blow her whistle." He groans. "Thank goodness we just decided to go our own way." He smiles looking down at ash.

"And remind me to remind you to send me the picture of both of you guys with the Eiffel Tower. I need to frame it." Mom pulls out her phone and shows the picture to Joe.

"Oh look at that." He raises his glasses slightly, "don't you two look adorable." He grins as he gives the phone back to my mother.

"And what about the baby? How's she doing?" Ashley smirks.

"For the last time Ashley." Jack chuckles, "I am having a nephew!" He winks at me and smiles. "Right?"

"I dunnooo" I sing slightly. "Maybe it's a girl." I turn to Ashley, "maybe it's a boy." I do the same to jack.

"Oh it is totally going to be a girl." Jack rolls his eyes at Ashley's remark. "I mean come on. I'm not losing this bet."

"Woah woah." I raise a hand, "you guys seriously are betting on if my child is a girl or boy." I hear Aiden chuckle to my side as jack and Ashley nod. "Well, what's the prize?"

"The person who guessed the gender correctly will get 150 dollars and not have to wash dishes for a month." Jack smiles.

I giggle slightly, "you guys are insane!" I eat another fry. "You guys know that right?"

"Yeah we know." They both say at the same time.



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