Chapter 18

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A/n idk if that's Lilly or not. But that pic is hella cute.

"YALL KISSED OMG!" Ashley says pacing the room. I just stare off into space. Daydreaming.

"Was it good? Was it like legit?" She gasps "was there tongue action!?"

I smile "no tongue but the kiss was... Perfect. Like kissing a cloud but with more feeling. I don't know how to describe it."

She laughs "omg this is like. Wow"

I smile. For like the 10000 time.

"Soo are y'all like a thing now..?"

That's the million dollar question isn't it.

I sigh "i don't know Ashely.. I want to be with him. Do you think he'll ask me tomorrow or something or maybe he just thought I was being friendly and kissed him."

I frown.

"Ok friendly is like a hug. kissing is like 'I want yo ass' so.."

She had a point. What if we do start dating..?

Me, Elizabeth Rivers dating the nerd.

I don't care. I'm not letting him slip away. I don't care about popularity. All I need in life is my family, Ashley and him..

And if my other friends were my true friends then they would accept him.. And if they don't then we'll I couldn't give two shits.

"I'm done with this whole having to be perfect popular thing. I want to be with him ash. And I'm not going to let him slip away."

She smirks then starts screaming.


The next day I get into my car with Ashley beside me.

"So this is were y'all shared each other's saliva."

I laugh "ew. Ok yes but. Let's just get to school."

I walk into the doors.

"Ashley! Elizabeth! Hi!"
"Come to my party this weekend?"
"How are you today?"

I quickly make it to my locker and pull out my text books. Once slipped into my backpack I continue walking to first period.

The hallway opens while I walk down. Everyone stares.

Then I see him.


He's coming this way!

Everything stops in slow motion. We see each other and connect eyes. He smiles and I know In that moment..

He's fucking mine.

I smirk. I know the perfect way to announce my feelings towards him.

He gets closer only a few feet away. Everyone's chatter seems to quiet down.

"Hey lizzy." He says.


I smile


"I was just wondering-"

Instead of letting him finish I wrap my arms around his neck and smash my lips to his.

The hallway gasps and everyone stays quiet. Time stops.

But I don't give a damn.

He wraps his arms around my waist and deepens the kiss.

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