Chapter 74

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Elizabeth you're pregnant

Those three words ring in my head over and over as I stare at the doctor before me. My hands begin to shake and my heart feels like it's going to explode.

"I'm pregnant." I whisper. I look at Aiden to see him staring at me with wide eyes.

"I-I.. Liz-..." he starts. He shakes his head and gulps.

"I'll give you two a minute." The doctor nods his head and exits the room.

I suddenly place my hand on my stomach. I feel the cool cloth of the hospital gown and I began to make small circles on my tummy.

I smile and soon my eyes brim with tears, I look at Aiden to see him leaning closer. He grabs my hand and kisses my fingers. I look to see him wipe his tears away.

"I'm pregnant." I repeat.

His lips collide with mine and I have never felt so much love and compassion in any kiss. I feel his heart beat as his chest touches mine. I can sense his sudden urge to hold me. And I want him to.

"I love you Elizabeth.." Aiden kisses my forehead, his eyes scan my face. "And I am going to love our baby so much.. and-" his voice cracks and I just start sobbing then and there, clinging to him for support for anything.

This wasn't what I was expecting.. but I can't stop the smile that forms when I think of a child calling me "mom". Or having someone run around the house and laughing. Having someone to hold and love, love so much that you can't even breathe without them.

"I can't tell if you're upset of happy." Aiden starts as he rubs circles on my back.

I pull away and laugh, "Aiden I couldn't be happier."

He picks my up and swirls my around the room everything slows as laughter fills the empty space. "I want you." He stops spinning and grabs my face gently. "So badly. And now.." he stops and chuckles. "I'm going to have two of you." I stare at him and giggle.

"It's not just my baby! It's ours." I kiss his lips and I want nothing more then to capture this moment in a jar and somehow live in it forever.

He sets me down and smirks, "so does that mean that I get to say 'we're pregnant'" I shoot him a glare and he raises his arms in defense.

"Who's gonna deal with all the cramps and tummy pain?"

"You." He mumbles.

"Who's gonna have to deal with totally having their body changed? In the most beautiful way but still. Who?"


"And who is going to have to deal with giving birth? Which is one of the most painful experiences.."


"So." I grin. "I'm pregnant." He steps closer and closes the gap between us.

"And I couldn't be happier, prouder, or more excited... I'm so happy that I didn't get on that plane Elizabeth.." he whispers. "I'm so happy that I decided to stay and be here with you and love you, every inch of your beautiful body. And now I'm so fucking happy that we're going to have a kid and raise him or her and-"

My smile drops as I suddenly feel this rush of adrenaline shoot through me. "Oh my god. What am I going to tell my mother?.."

"Really you're just going to interrupt me and my perfect speech of me loving you and our child?.."

I stare at him and bite my lip, "I'm sorry baby, you were saying?"

His eyes follow down my eyes to my nose and then my lip in between my teeth.

He clears his throat and gets up walking to the door. "Imma go see when we can get you home ok?"

"Aiden?" I scan his face frowning, "what's wrong? I'm sorry-"

"If I stay here in this room alone with you." He stops and shakes his head, "looking like that." He points to me and I raise an eyebrow. "Then I'm going to fuck you here and now. So imma go."

I stay silent for a moment as my cheeks turn blood red, I can't help but grin. "Bring me back some food then." I mumble.

He nods and opens the door.

"Oh and Aiden." He stops and looks back at me, "and maybe a water bottle.. I'm really thirsty.."

He sends a glare in my direction, "you're killing me Elizabeth." He walks out the door "you're really killing me!" I hear him shout down the hallway. I cover my face with the blanket to hold in my laughter as the doctor walks in.

"So I take it he took it.. well?" He questions.

"Oh don't worry doctor, he couldn't be happier." And I smile knowing the words rolling off my tongue are true.







"ASHLEY!" I scream.

"Yeah?" She flips her hair back and grins at me.

I smile, "I can't believe it either.."

She tackles me in a warm embrace and I wince as her grip tightens. Like a python she snakes her arms further around my neck and I nearly slap her from lack of oxygen.

"Ash.." I gasp, "can't. Breathe. Bitch."

"Oh!" She shouts and let's go immediately, i feel air reach my lungs and sigh in relief. "I'm sorry. I'm just.." her eyes start watering and she fans her face with her hands.

"Oh god not again ash-"

"I can't help it!" She screams. Her tears run down her cheeks and next thing I know were cuddled up in blankets sobbing on each other's shoulders. Happy tears of course but non the less sobbing.

"I'm so," she hiccups "happy for," hiccup "you"

"Thank you precious." I sigh as she rubs my back soothingly, "I'm happy too. I'm actually happy ash. I mean.." I look at her and swallow the lump in my throat. "I thought I lost him.."

She nods her head and wipes my tear away, "but you didn't." She smiles and all I can do is hug her once more and feel her embrace. Her sisterly love fills me up inside making my heart grow bigger and sending tingles of joy through my body.

"Have you told mom?"



"Uh hell no."

"Aw I was the first one!" She hugs me again, "you're so cute!" She giggles.

"Well it's only fair since I was the first to know you got engaged and you already knew I was gonna get asked before I did so.." I grin, "I made sure to tell my best friend first."

"Well that's sweet Liz, but now let me ask the important question.."

"Yeah." I mumble grabbing a bag of fruit snacks and opening it.

"Have you picked out names?.."

"Ash." I throw a fruity snack at her and she dodges it giggling.

"I just found out yesterday that I was pregnant.." I laugh. "So of fucking course I have names picked out!" I get up and grin, "Let me go get the list it's in my nightstand!"


Here's a short chapter for you guys. :) hope you enjoyed and plz excuse any errors :/

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