Chapter 10

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After a while of awkward silence I finally worked up a conversation. "Well.. So how you been?" I ask softly. I glance towards the stars they look especially bright tonight against the dark sky. I look to where Aiden is standing and catch him starring at me.

He immediately looks down at his feet.

"My l-life's been fi-fine." He says quietly I almost don't hear him.

I nod.

Well this is a disaster.

Oh shut up brain!

I sigh.

Maybe my brain is right. This.. This wouldn't work. We're just so different and he just isn't interested. Maybe he'll end up dating that one girl that made him laugh and they'll have a happy life together and get married and, and have kids and just be fucking happy.

Screw her.

I scrunch up my face a bad habit I do when I get upset.

"Hey what's wrong?" Aiden says he comes closer and actually sits on the bench next to me.

I grin, "I'm fine. Why would you think something is wrong?" I turn my head.

His face only inches away.

So close.

I look into his eyes. Those eyes that I have fallen deeply in love with. Along with everything that makes up this boy. My eyes travel to his perfect nose and finally those lips.

"Well when you were little you'd always scrunch up your face when you were having a tantrum so.." He laughs and turns away.

Damn it.

"You still remember those?" I laugh.

"Of course I do! You threw a rock at me one time. Remember? Because I said pandas were the stupidest animals." He chuckles remembering the memory.

I laugh. Looking back I remember it clearly. I had missed though. Because of my terrible aim. That was a very interesting day.

"Yeah well I loved pandas! Still do. And you knew better then to say that." I shove him lightly.

He smiles slightly, "yeah well then I guess I'm not that much of a good boy like people say I am."

I stare at him deeply. "Don't listen to what people say.. They're stupid." I reply kicking the rocks at my feet.He shouldn't feel like that. He can be whatever he wants to be.

"Yeah I try not too."

Silence fills up between us once more. This time it's a tad more comfortable. More like old times. The good times.

"So about that project.."

I groan. "I hate projects. I call doing the poster."

He smiles, "ok, I'll let you do the poster but uh." He pauses and clears his throat. "Would you want to meet up to work on it or.. we could just do it in the library or.." he glances up at me and his eyes drift to my lips for a moment. He turns always instantly.

I shove him again laughing, "of course I'll go to the library. Whenever you're free, or you can go to my place if you want or yours I don't really mind." I smile.

"Really?.." he turns to me wide eyed.

"Well of course, how else are we going do this project.. " I pull out my phone "what's your number?" I ask

He scrambles to pull his phone out. I nearly laugh at his nervous state, he then tells me his number and I type it in and put him as my new contact.

"Here I'll text you so that you can save my number, and you can just message me when you want to work on the project. Like tomorrow after my dance practice I'm free. Are you doing anything?"

"I'm never doing anything" he blurts out.

"I mean" he laughs nervously. "Sure yeah tomorrow sounds fine"

I laugh, "ok tomorrow it is." Just at that moment my phone rings. My mom popping up on the screen.


I groan, "it's my mom. I think I have to go." I say.

"Oh, well I'll walk you out. If you'd like?"

"Yeah sure id love that" I say while getting up from the bench. I dust myself off and walk to the door Aiden opens it and I walk inside, the warmth of the house engulfing me.

We walk side by side to the front door were I see my mom already outside getting in the car. "So just text me tonight or tomorrow because I might forget but see you at school." I say

"Yeah ok." he then steps forward.

Oh my god

He gets closer

hes going for a hug!

He takes another step and his arms go around my tiny waist. Mine immediately go around his as well. I hold on to him for a couple seconds. And I'm in heaven. He smells SO FUCKING GOOD.

I want to stay like this forever. Have me in his arms holding me tight and never letting me go.
Though eventually he lets go and the warmth is gone. I feel empty.

No come back.

He smiles and walks off. I breathe in a deep breath and walk out the door. I keep walking until I reach the car I get inside and see Ashley is already there.

I'm still holding my breath.

He hugged us

He talked to us

He has our freaking number in his phone!!!

That about does it.

I scream at the top of my lungs making my mother stop the car immediately.


"What the hell Liz! What's wrong?!" Jack screams.

My eyes widen a huge smile on my face.

Ashley just sits there stunned. Everyone stares at me like I've gone mad, but just continue to smile and stare off into space.

"Thank god for that chick Brenda.."
AN- when Elizabeth says "us" or "our" she's referring to the little voice in her head that she always talks to aka her self conscience. No she is not a wolf. Lmao.

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A/n comment if y'all want to see Aidens pov

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