Chapter 55

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm and quickly shut it off. 6:00 in the morning. Great.

I walked over or shall I say dragged myself to the shower and quickly did my business. Getting out in a matter of 15 minutes because I really like the warm water, I make my way to my closet and pick out some black leggings, my sports bra and throw over a work out tee.

I untangle my curls and put it in a high pony tail. After I quickly apply some mascara and bottom liner.

I run around my whole house trying to find my Chapstick when I notice it's on my dresser. I throw it in my bag and brush my teeth before heading towards the kitchen.

It feels like everyday is the same. I wake up go to work come home and sleep. I can't even remember the last time I went to the movies or actually did something fun for once.

We use to be so outgoing. So carefree. Lizzy what happened to us?

Life. Life happened.


I got on the bus with a sigh and quickly found a seat, plugging in my head phones. I knew it'd be a short 15 minute drive to the next stop. From there I'll walk to work.

Five years. It's been five years since I've graduated from high school. They say that life is precious. You shouldn't waste it, but how can I not. I can't just pack up my things and leave. See the world like I've always dreamed of. No. I'm responsible now. I have a job. I have a home.

15 minutes pass in a blur with me looking out the window daydreaming. I get off and walk down the sidewalk, passing many stores on the way.

I turn the corner and walk further down, the sun gleaming down. This heat is something else, but what can you expect I'm in California and it's in the middle of summer.

I grab ahold of the handles and pull letting the cold air greet me. I sigh as I make my way across the dance room and to the back. I set my bag down and quickly adjust my hair, waiting for my students to arrive.

I walk back out of the locker room and see Mrs. Lane. "Good morning Mrs lane." I smile at her and she nods.

"Good morning Elizabeth." She turns the corner to the storage closet and quickly turns back. "Oh sweetheart since you're here early would you mind doing me a favor?"

I look at her and nod, "of course what is it?" She claps her hands and gestures me to come over to the closet.

I walk in and see the mess before me. "The costumes are all out of place. The girls need to be trying on their costumes soon and I'm just not sure how I'll manage to arrange them-"

I quickly cut her off, "I'll do it. It's no problem." With a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye she exits. Mrs. Lane is a 40 year old woman with a passion for dancing. I couldn't ask for a sweeter boss. But sometimes she really pushes me to my limits.

These dance costumes are a mess! They're in piles and I have to arrange them by size, color, possibly even material.

I place my head in my hands feeling a headache coming along.

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