Chapter 62

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I'm so sorry for not updating recently. I went to visit family and had no wifi. It was tragic. But I'm back!



Elizabeth's pov

After no restaurant or coffee place would allow Asher inside I decide to just call it a day and make breakfast at my place.

"It's still.. 8:34am so I can get the eggs going while you make the pancakes and then we'll be set." Oh I almost forgot. "Oh and we'll make lots of coffee.."

I word vomit on and on as Aiden drives to my house, "we can watch a movie. I saw that they put the new tinker bell film on Netflix so I totally want to watch that-"

Chuckles make me stop and stare next to me to see Aiden silently laughing with a small playful grin. "You're just too adorable." He whispers.

I want to reach over and kiss him but I stop myself. Take it slow. Remember?

"Thanks." I mumble. "Really appreciate it pal."


"Yes. Pal. Buddy. Amigo. You know thats Spanish for fri-"

"Yeah I know what it means Elizabeth." He grips the steering wheel and I grin. Oh this is fun..

He pulls into my house and I pick up my bag and let Asher run free. I walk over to my front door Aiden right behind me. I swallow as I open my front door and step inside, the cool air greeting me.

"So this is my houseeee." I say extending my arm. I smile widely. "It's not much but.."

"I love it." Aiden smirks and picks up Asher. "You're a cute little fella." He licks Aidens nose and I can't help but laugh. Oh goodness this is all so perfect.

Something bad has to happen. This is too good to be true.

I run my hand down my arms and up again. "So uh. You want to get started on the food?" I question. I look at him in his expensive suit, damn he looks good. He sets the dog down and walks towards me. His eyes lock with mine and I don't dare look away. Not now. Not ever.

"Yeah." He smirks. "I'm starving."


I grip the handle and easily catch the pancake on the pan. "BOOM BITCH" I yell. Aiden bursts into laughter and bows his head.

"The master of pancakes." He says while looking at me. I get tingles through my body. "So when can I eat?" He says raising a brow.

I clear my throat. "Now." I say calmly.

"Now?" He questions popping a grape into his mouth.

I get a plate and plop three pancakes on it while pouring the syrup. I nod my head grinning. Gosh he really knows how to test my limits.

I plop down in from of him at my table, I grab my pancakes and fork and begin to gobble up the breakfast I made. I mean he helped. A little.

"So how's life been treating you Elizabeth?" He studies me and I swallow. Well Aiden I've been thinking about you non stop for the past three or so years and my life has been pretty depressing besides Ashley coming in to check on me. But I mean I also learned a lot about independence and woman hood and how to care for myself and become a strong lady. Though I won't deny I miss you like crazy, because I do.

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