Chapter 33

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Many tears, tissues, and breakdowns later I had finally let it all out and explained everything to Ashley. The weight in my stomach eased and I knew I felt better. She had reacted.. Well like any other best friend would react like. Let's just say I had to hold her back from running out the door and beating the living shit out of Aiden.

Maybe it was for the best. To think that I could be happy. To think I could love someone again and just think they wouldn't leave or go away..

We spent the whole day watching movies. We stayed up so late that we completely slept in and missed school. Like I wanted to go anyways.


"Honey what's wrong? You seem different." My mom asked as she put the groceries away. I sighed and rested my head on my palm.

"Aiden and I aren't together mom. I caught him kissing another girl." I figured if I was going to tell her then I was going to rip the bandage off. Not drag it on in agonizing pain.

She dropped the peanut butter container glass flying everywhere.

"He what?!" She said her face turning red.

"I don't want to go into further detail mom please.." I got up and walked to the living room.

Shortly after she came in and sat down next to me. "Is this why you fell asleep in your car on New Year's Eve?.."

I laugh dryly. "Yep"

She grabbed me softly and hugged me. Her warmth helping my heart heal slowly. But not fast enough. I sighed and let go.

"I have a lot of homework to do mom. I'll be upstairs." I hugged her one last time and walked up the steps.

Later that night while I lay in bed my mind drifted to my dad.

We need to tell him.

I know. I thought to myself. I know.

I spent that night tossing and turning. Sleep never fully taking over. After 4:26 in the morning with no luck. I just ended up getting into a warm bath and watching the sunrise.


I walked into school grumpier than usual. I blame my lack of sleep, after closing my locker I walked to 1st period.

The buzzing of my phone cut me off and I looked down to see who the hell is calling me.

Luke? What does he want?

when my body suddenly collides into something.

I fall on my ass my books going everywhere. I groan and softly get up when a hand connects with mine.

I look up and see Aiden with wide eyes.

My face goes from shock to anger in less than .5 seconds. He lets go of my hand and the absence of his fingers around mine make me almost whimper.

I grab my books and look at him one last time. I start walking away but stop when he grabs my wrist and pulls me back.


"Don't.." I whisper. "Just please. Don't."

His eyes held so much sadness I wanted to make it go away. I wanted to wish that he never did those things that he did. But the truth is he did do those things. I can't change that.

I walk away and go into class. Sitting down next to Ashley she sees my face.

"Oh my god.." She says softly. I don't need to even explain myself. "Where is he!?" I quickly stop her and sit her down.

"Ash. He's not even worth it."


I knew he would be in 5th period. But I also knew that Aiden isn't the guy to keep bugging you. So I knew he wouldn't bother to talk to me. The class sat in silence as the teacher explained that we will have an upcoming project again.

"Individual. This project is an individual project."

I felt eyes on me and I knew they belonged to him.


I knew I needed to tell my dad. I guess it just helps talking to his grave. It feels like he's there. Watching me and guiding me on the right path. Maybe that's what I needed, his guidance. I made it my mission to go see him after school. I can't drag it on longer.

When the accident first happened I would see him everyday. For almost 3 years i would make my mom take me to see him. The comfort of being there even though it brought sadness as well,
just made me happy.  After a while I got busy with school and started going once a week, sometimes once a month. But when I would see him. I stayed there for hours.

Talking and talking imagining him being there and laughing at how I spilled my ketchup on my shirt that day, etc. explaining to him my days and what I had been up too.

When I would get home from school he'd always ask me "how was your day?" Though the amazing thing about my dad was that he would actually listen. And he would actually care about what I had to say. It was a good feeling to know that I could tell him anything..

Walking up to his grave with white roses (his favorite) I set them down gently.

"Hey dad." I whisper softly. "I'm sorry I haven't been here in a while." I wipe a stray tear from my face but continue. "But I just been going through somethings. Some bad things and I don't know.. I just wasn't ready to tell you yet. You know me, I always try to figure stuff out on my own." I laugh. "I was always stubborn."

A breeze flows by making the near by leaves rise up and dance in the air.

"I'm.. Im not." I paused. This was harder then I thought. To think that not long ago I would come here and tell him about how I saw Aiden and how we were happy..


Before I could say anything a loud creak through me off guard. I looked around and noticed that the gate had been pushed open. I push up from the cold grass and carefully make my way over to it. With a puzzled look on my face I reach out to close the cold iron gate when a hand touches mine.

I gasp and look up shocked.

"What the hell are you doing here?!"



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