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"Nala, your story... is amazing!" Mrs. Newman walked up to me with a fresh copy of my printed out story feature. "See you and Casey didn't have any problems after all!"

I fake smiled as she continued to walk towards another journalist in the office. Once she was occupied again, I let out a sigh, I've been working my ass off lately. At not only my journalism job, but at home also, you know even after all that shit I did.

I still wasn't getting much progress in either Chres, nor this "plan" we sketched up together. Shit was really going downhill for me, and I didn't understand why, I've been nothing but good to almost everyone I know, and I still can't get a fucking reward; not even a cookie.

The time on my laptop read 4:42 pm, I had a couple of more minutes at the office before I could just go home and relax. Tonight was supposedly the first night of our plan, but no one has called me, or even texted my ass.

I low-key was starting to have second thoughts about all of this. I mean I already bought my all black outfit, and the tasers so we better be doing something tonight.

Once my time was up at the office, I quickly grabbed my things and left not even saying goodbye to anyone. When I made it to my car, I checked my phone again for anyone to text or call me; just three unread texts from... RJ and Casey.

Rowland: The plan going down still?

Rowland: Meet us at Melissa's crib

Casey: I wanna see you again.

I rolled my eyes at Casey's text, of course he really thought that we had something going on all of a sudden. I swear I have a small conversation with a man and they just assume that we had some type of connection going on.

But anyway, I started up my car making my way to Melissa's house, I think she still lived in the same address. The one in Inglewood, so I decided to just go there. The whole drive I just kept thinking about how our old friendships, might be reconnected, how all of us might become what we once were.

When I pulled up to the old tan house that she stayed at, I noticed Chres', RJ's, and Mike's car out front. Surprisingly they were actually down for this plan, I was starting to have my thoughts low-key.

After I parked my car on the side of the house, Tony ran outside to greet me. He had a smirk on his face; it was devious, and I knew when even Tony was thinking evil, shit was about to go down.

"Hurry up, everyone waiting on you." He said waiting for me to climb out of the car, I nodded before grabbing the supplies and walking up to the door with him.

I can't lie the pit of my stomach was starting to ache, mostly from nervousness. 'This was really happening' was all that kept playing in my head as I walked into the living room with Tony. All eyes were on me, Chres was walking back and forth across the room with his phone glued to his head like he was having a conversation.

"...okay, okay, I'm a be there in a minute!" He ended before hanging up the phone.

"Mastersplinter finally showed up." Mike mumbled staring at me, I playfully flicked him off before dumping the supplies on to the coffee table.

"So what we about to do?"

"The plan."


Chres and I pulled up to my old house, and it looked so horrible, since when I was there. Monroe and his people completely turned it into a "bando" type of house.

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