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A year later

Life for me in these past few months hasn't been half bad, like I couldnt complain for the most part.

Shockingly I wasnt Chres' one and only after all. Matter of fact the last time I even seen that boy in person, he was sitting in my face telling me how much he was going to stunt on me. No shocker there to be honest, he was still hurt that I wasnt trying to become that complete fool I once was for him, but sometimes you just have to grow up. Which was exactly what I did.

I think I may have finally found the man who actually deserved me anyway. While I was so stuck on Chres I missed out on so many other contenders; except for one.

His name was Chris, but he went by his stage name "Seventh" if any one asked. I was the only who got permission to use his real name, and honestly it was refreshing to have someone that wasn't worried about the streets so much, in fact Chris was from Texas also, same area and all.

He has just been trying to get used to this new California scene; just like I had. Which was cute to me, he reminded me of myself so much and it was cool as hell to meet someone who didn't act like they knew everything for once.

"Oh, look Amy... this bitch is over here day dreaming about Chris again!"

I rolled eyes at Crystal's comment, i swear I've been hanging with these two for too damn long, but they were my day ones.

We have gone through so much shit together, and I knew exactly why Crystal was such in a good moment lately. In just a few more very short weeks RJ was expected to be released...

This was really great news for all of us; he had effected everybody in a positive way. So of course Melissa and Crystal had planned out this 'big' welcome back party that she wanted throw for him. They invited everyone damn near a month early, so I already knew that it was going to be lit.

The plan for me was to I see how the old south central clique has been lately. But... I also peeped Chres on the guestlist, and I knew for a fact that he was going to show up. Him and Rj were cousins and are practically brothers.

But like I said before we didn't exactly end on a good note, so I really just hope that doesn't act like a little boy, and just get past that and try to be mature.

But who knows how that will go.

Anyway I was finally able to put my attention back on to my friends, I  couldn't keep quiet thinking about this situation anyway, it was my fault they came over in the first place.

I originally invited them over to my apartment so that they could give me some advice on how should I approach Chris about the welcome back party with out him not trying to fight Chres there. But since they got here, they've been doing everything but listen to me!

"Okay, okay guys... I really need your advice!" I admitted, Because by the looks of things I wasnt even a factor anymore.

These too were too busy drinking and watching some old ass movie on my flat screen. Amelia was the only one who was paying attention to me for the moment, but that was because she was getting a drink anyway.

"Wait, so you are bringing Chris to the party?" Amelia asked, walking back to the kitchen making herself yet another martini. This had to be at least the third one since shes been here! "...Aint nobody going to know him but you."

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