I laid down, I drank the poison and I passed the fuck out.

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It was Saturday morning, and I'm hungover. Oh. And I have a major headache! Yesterday was Mike, my little brother's, birthday. I insisted on taking him to a bar, but I'm kinda regretting that now. My parents did try to talk me out of it, knowing I'd get stoned. But oh well. We brung our friends, Jaime and Tony along. They were more like family, considering how close us four were. 

At the bar, Mike, Tony and Jaime just sat down, drinking only a couple drinks, whereas I was drinking and dancing all night. Around midnight, Mike came to take me home. I wasn't very easy, he told me. I was being very stubborn. He blamed it on my last failed relationship. She cheated on me after giving her two years. I changed everything for that girl. I regretted it after finding out she cheated. 

She's in my past now.

You know, I don't understand why people say that I'm a bad guy. Maybe it's just the alcohol speaking, but I think I'm a nice guy; I don't get in fights, I don't raise my voice when it's not needed, I look at problems in the other persons point of view instead of mine. I might get too attached, but doesn't everyone once in a while? Jaime tells me that if he were gay, he'd pick me up. That has to mean something, right? 

But anyways, when we got to the car, I was seated in the front seat. Tony and Jaime were in the back, passed out. "Tony, where are we going?" I ask him, falling asleep. "I'm not Tony, I'm Mike. And you're stoned, so we're going home. Jaime and Tony-" I interruped him. "I don't wanna go home!" I whined. "Shut up and stop being a baby." He told me while pressing the gas pedal. "Miiiikkkeeeee," I was told I sang that. "Yes?" He seemed annoyed. "Where's Abby?" He stomped the break pedal and yelled at me to get out the car. I unbuckled my seatbelt and did as he said, with my hands up as in saying, "I surrender." 

I guess it still hurt him that his old girl friend, the one that he was madly in love with, left him after getting pregnant. Her parent's didn't like him to begin with, and now she was having a baby with him. They couldn't take anymore. She was sent to live with her sister in Ohio. Her parents told mine, which told them that he would have paid, cared and loved for it -- so it wasn't really a problem, but they got madder, and left. 

After I got out the car, I slammed the car door and sat in the middle of the street, meditating. I heard screeching, so I ran to find Mike had stopped only a few inches before running a girl over. He got out and started yelling at her, which made me run again, over to them. 

"Don't you know better than to be walking at one o'clock in the morning?! Haven't you got parents to keep you in check? God, little kids now a days can't watch for cars because they're 'too cool' " He said putting air quotes around, "Too cool."

"Mike! Mike! Mike stop!" I pushed him a little and checked if the girl was okay. "Are you okay? Did my brother hurt you?" I ask looking up and down. She spoke something really quiet, that I wasn't sure if she, herself heard her. "Excuse me?" I ask, and I walk a little closer, trying to hear her better. "Yes." She said louder and stubbornly. "I'm fine." I saw her turn around. "Wait!" I grab her arm and turn her around. "Hey, what's your problem?!" She yelled. "Vic." I smile, but I knew she couldn't see it, so I stopped after a few seconds. "What?" "Vic. The names Vic." 

She scoffed, "Lucy." I see a smile form on her small lips. 

"Hello, Lucy." I smile in return. She doesn't reply, so I bring up a conversation. "So why are you in the street this late?" 

"Why do you smell like alcohol?" She looked down at my hand. "Can you loosen your grip, or let go better yet?" I notice I'm still holding her wrist. 

"Sorry." I say letting go. "And I was drinking. It's Mike's birthday you see." I lick my lips and smile. 

I look in what I hope to be her eyes, and they sparkle. "So why are you out on the street this late?" 

She doesn't really answer, but I hear a sniffle. I turn around and give Mike a signal to go home, and that I'll get home before dawn. He drives away and I turn back to her.

"Well, I'm looking for my way back home." She says a little softer. I look at her and took her hand in mine. "Do you want help?" She takes her hand back, telling me it's alright and I should go home. I guess I was zoning out, because I was standing in the street by myself and I heard foot steps. I take myself back to reality and see she's walking away. I started running towards her. "Hey! Hey why'd you leave?" She turns around and stops. "You seemed," she tried to find the right words. "Lost in thought." She turns back around and starts walking again. 

So, as drunk as I was, I ran over to her and picked her up by her waist. She screamed and laughed at the same time. When I put her down, she slapped me. "What was that?!" I rubbed my cheek. "Ow. What was that for?!" I hear her laugh. "You picked me up, remember?" I felt as if she rolled her eyes while smiling. "Well, who says I won't do it again?" I regretted that as soon as I said it. "I say so." She said as if trying to take control in the conversation. "Wanna bet?" I started to run towards her, and she screams again. I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder, walking home. "Where are we going?" She asks. 

"Home." I simply reply.

I realize that I'm bringing home a complete stranger. "I'm sorry." I say as I put her down. "For what?" She saids as she fixes her clothes and hair. "I'm really really really drunk, and I don't want you to be a rebound." "What do you mean?" I decided to tell her about my failed relationship. I took her over to the fountain, and we sat on the edge. 

"....and that's why I was out drinking tonight." I said, almost falling asleep. 

"Oh." I heard her voice get quiet once again. "Yeah. I mean, you're way to fun to be a rebound. I-I-" I guess I fell asleep. I felt shaking. "EARTHQUAKE!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "No! No! No! It's just me! You fell asleep. Maybe you should get home." She said, standing up. 

"No wait. I was going to say that I think I could get used to being around you." I said with a wink and  cocky smile. 

"Don't get ahead of yourself there boy-o." She said while shivering. 

"Look, you're freezing. Where do you live? I'll walk you." I look at her, while I see her head move around.

"I'm not sure." This girl had to be confused. 

"What do you mean, you don't know?" I asked.

"I mean, I got kicked out my aunt's house for talking back to my uncle."

"Well, where are your parents?"

"They're, not with us. They passed a couple weeks ago." She was tapping her foot on the ground, as if she was getting annoyed. 

"Well then, I guess you're coming home with me." I grabbed her wrist before she could say anything else and took her home. 


hoped you liked it! well then lmao. idk but share this maybe? it's going to be big one day, i know it c: well vote/comment. even if it is only one person reading it okay bye ! <3

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