If I lay here, Would You Lay With Me, And Just Forget The World?

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*5 years later*

"Daddy!" A little girls voice woke me up. "Shut up, Daddy's sleeping!" A small boy's voice came. "Okay, guys! No yelling at each other." I started to walk in their room. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" I picked her up and held her on my side. "Michael's being mean." She frowned. "He pushed me off the bed and bit my arm," she held her arm out infront of my face, "see?" I groaned. "Guys, it's four in the morning. Why aren't you both asleep?"

"Mommy said we should stay up until she got home." My little boy explained. "Honey, what do you mean? Mommy's home. She's been home since you came back from day care yesterday." He thought for a minute. "But, when you went to sleep early last night, Mommy came in our room and told us to stay up incase something happened to you." Isabella nodded and got down from my hands. "Yeah, she said if she wasn't back before you woke up, to make sure you knew where she was." "Well where is she?" I knelt down and looked at my kids. They looked at each other and smiled. "She's home now." They replied at the same time. "Then why aren't you asleep." I asked, but it came out as more of a command. 

"We were scared." Isabella replied and walked over to me before hugging me. "Izzy, baby, why were you scared?" Michael now walked up to me and pulled on my hand, showing me the way to the closet. I sighed. "What about the closet? C'mon guys, we've been over this, there's nothing in there." They nodded and walked out the room, into Lucy's and mine. "Mommy," I heard Izzy whisper. "Yeah, baby?" "Can we sleep with you tonight?" I heard the bed creek and two 'thank you's'. I sighed and walked over to the door, shutting the light off and walked over to my room. 

"No space, Daddy." Isabella laughed. "Yeah, go sleep in our room or the living room." I sighed and walked over to the bed. I kissed each other their foreheads and grabbed one of my pillows and a blanket. "Good night, I love you all." I whispered and walked downstairs. 

I turned the light on and set the couch up. "Waking me up and four in the morning." I mumbled. "Taking over my bed," I chuckled as I turned off the light and laid down. 

It probably wasn't even an hour later before I heard footsteps. "Daddy?" I turned around and saw Isabella standing in front of the couch, hugging a teddy bear. "Yes, princess?" I asked. "Are you sleeping?" I laughed. "No." "Why not?" I sat up and pat the seat next to me. She struggled to climb on, so I picked her up and put in my lap. "What's bothering you, Daddy?" I smiled and hugged her. "I don't want to worry you." She smiled and I saw how she was missing her two front teeth. "Try me." 

I laid down and sat her on my stomach. "Well, princess, you know how Mommy and I have to been fighting, a lot, right?" All she did was nod, a smile still on her face. "That's what's bothering me. We've never fought like this before." The smile left her face and she laid down ontop of me. "I'm sorry, Daddy." I kissed the top of her head. "It's alright, darling. If anything, I should be sorry. I shouldn't have told you. It's okay, alright? I'll fix it." She sat back up and smiled bigger then the first one. "Good, because when I was upstairs, Mommy was crying." I looked at my child, the one that knew her parents were fighting, not getting along with her twin brother, saw her mom crying, and still had a smile on her face. I sighed. "Baby, always stay with way, alright?" She nodded. 

"Are you and Mommy going to talk right now?" I shook my head. "Not tonight. I'll talk to her when she wakes up." Isabella looked at me for a while before saying anything. "Does that mean you're not going to sleep?" Her face had a big grin plastered on it. "Can we please watch Finding Nemo?" I shook my head. "Daddy, please, please!" She gripped on my shirt. "Please, Daddy!" I gave up. "Go turn the light on, while I find the cd." She hugged me and ran to the light. "Can I go get Mikey too? It's his favorite movie," she asked before running up the stairs. I laughed and put in the cd. 

They both came down, hand in hand and a stuffed bear in the other. "Now if you two could be that way every day, we wouldn't have a problem." I laughed and sat down on the couch. "Help," Izzy mumbled as she strugged to get on the couch. Mike, who was already on, grabbed her and and yanked her up. "Mikey, you hurt me!" She pouted and crawled on my lap. "Izzy, c'mon! You're always on his lap, let me try." He yelled at her. "Guys, be quiet. Mommy's trying to sleep." I whispered. "No, she isn't." Mike replied. "What do you mean, baby?" He crawled over to me and stood up, the back of the couch and me supporting him so he didn't fall. "She's upstairs in the bathroom. The door was locked so I couldn't get in." He paused. "Daddy, is Mommy okay? She was saying something, but I couldn't understand, and that's when Izzy came to tell me that we were watching Finding Nemo." He sat down in the small space. 

"I'll be right back," I whispered as I sat Izzy on the couch, next to her brother. They nodded. 

I ran up the stairs and knocked on the bathroom door. "Lucy? Lucy honey, open the door." No answer. I ran my hand through my hair and ran to the bedroom. I opened the drawer and grabbed the key. When I got to the bathroom, I hurried to unlock it. 

As soon as I did, I saw Lucy, looking in the mirror. "Lucy, what did you do to the mirror?" 

Worthless. Idiot. Waste of space. Horrible mother and girlfriend. Stupid. 

All over the mirror. I noticed that all those small, horrible words and phrases were around one word.


"Lucy, baby," I walked over to her. "What's wrong? Why are you saying this about yourself?" She looked over to me. "You said them to me." My body went numb and I shivered. "Lucy, I didn't mean them. You know that." I took her hands and made her look at me. "Vic," she started, but I stopped her. "No, baby, I know. I'm sorry and I shouldn't have said any of this, I'm the horrible one. I'm the one that's worthless and an idiot. The waste of space. I'm the horrible father and boyfriend. I'm the most stupid person on the planet." I paused. "I'm the one that should die." Her eyes fluttered up to meet mine and smiled. "Go on." I laughed. "Baby, listen. I'm so sorry. I was caught up in the moment and i was angry at you." I hugged her and kissed the top of her head. "No," she pushed me away. 

"If-if I hadn't gotten jealous because the kids were liking you more then me, we-we wouldn't be in this bathroom, at 5 in the morning." I laughed and turned around. I picked up a cloth and wet it. 

"No, you were right. I have to stop spoiling them." I started to clean the mirror. She looked up at me and walked over. "Don't blame yourself. We're new at this. We'll get it right, sometime." I told her and put the cloth down. Just then, we heard two laughs at the door. "Does this mean that Mommy won't cry anymore?" Mike asked. "And that Daddy won't be sad anymore?" Izzy asked after her brother.

I smiled at Lucy and knelt down tobe the same height as them. "Yeah." They ran over to us and hugged both of us. "So can Mommy watch the movie with us?" Lucy looked at me and shook her head before laughing. "What movie?" I looked at the twins as they looked at me. We all looked at Lucy and said, "Finding Nemo." Mike took her hand and dragged her down the steps, as I picked up Isabella and ran down, following Mike and Lucy.

"Who wants popcorn?" I ask as everyone else got comfortable on the couch. "Me!" They all yelled. Mike followed me in the kitchen and tugged on my sweatpants. "Daddy?" I looked down and smiled. He reached up his arms, meaning he wanted to be picked up. I did as told and held him on my side and we watched the popcorn. "Daddy, can you promise me something?" I looked at him and smiled. "Anything for you, bud." He hesitated for a moment. "Don't make Mommy cry anymore?" It came out more of a question then a sentence. "Aw, baby." I kissed his forehead. "I promise." He laughed and hugged me. "Thanks." I nodded and hugged him back. 

Beep, beep, beeeep. The popcorn was done. 

We walked back in the living room, and saw that Lucy and Isabella were sleeping. "Here, baby, hold this really quick." I set him down on the couch and handed him the popcorn and ran upstairs to grab another blanket. When I got downstairs again, I laid the blanket on Lucy and Izzy, since she was asleep on Lucy. "Come here," I pat my lap for Mike to come sit on while we watched the movie. I threw on the other blanket on us, as we watched Finding Nemo and ate the popcorn. 

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