I Couldn't Help Her, I Just Watched Her Make The Same Mistakes, Again.

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shit guys, I meant to update, I really did, but i was lazy and then I didn't know what to write about and yeah.

*5 months after Vic proposed; nine in the morning*

"Auntie Jenna!" I heard Isabella yell from upstairs. "I'm in the bathroom!" Jenna replied. "It's open!" 

I walked over to the kitchen, Lucy was making lunch for all of us, including Jenna, Tony, Jaime and Mike. It was the twins birthday and we've been awake since four in the morning. They were turning six. Jenna slept over night, her and Jaime were having problems again, and he told her that he didn't want to see her again. It was harsh as fuck, but we knew that they would be back together by tomorrow night.

"Hey, baby." Lucy looked  up and smiled while drying her hands on a small towel. "Hi," I walked over to her and kissed her forehead. "What'cha making?" She nodded and walked over to the stove. "Pizza, pasta, a couple of cookies, the usual." She laughed. "They're so picky." I mumbled and walked over to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water. "You can say that again." The door bell rang. "I'll get it." I told Lucy. 

"Tony!" I smiled. "Hey, I brought Jessica along." They still weren't married, but they had another baby. She was eight months old and adorable. "Where are Brian and Avril?" I asked as I let them in. "Mom's." Tony replied, I nodded. Jessica went in the kitchen and started to help Lucy. Over the years, the three girls became best friends and knew everything there was to know about the others. None of us really minded though, it was good for them. "Where's Jen?" Tony asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Upstairs, bathroom. She's trying to look good for when Jaime gets here." I said loud, hoping she'd hear. "No!" She yelled as she ran down the steps, tumbling over to the couch. "I'm just trying to look nice for my little babies birthday." She scoffed. "It's different." Her arms folded across her chest. "Yeah, lying and telling the truth is the same thing." Tony scolded her before we all fell into a pit of laughter. "Oh alright. C'mon, help me out. I can't help it, I love him." She frowned. 

It was quiet as we all exchanged looks. "Jen," Tony got up and hugged her. "You're beautiful, you don't need makeup. Jaime loves you too, you know that. He's just mad." He pulled back. "Let's go take your makeup off." And with that they went up the steps. "Michael!" Tony called. "What?" I heard his little feet stomp across the floor to the bathroom. "Help me fix your auntie, yeah?"

"Is she broken?" He asked after it being silent for a moment. "Yeah, baby." Jenna replied as I heard her start crying. 

Why was Jaime being such a dick all of a sudden?

I was interruped when the doorbell rang again. "Honey, it's probably the cake guy!" Lucy yelled from the kitchen. "I got it!" I called back. 

As soon as I opened the door, I was pushed to floor. "What the hell?" I yelled. "Where is she?" I pushed him back, rolling on top of this person who barged into my house. "Who are you?!" By this time, everyone was in the living room, staring at us two. Before I was rolled over, I heard a faint name. "What?" I was getting frustrated. I turned us back over and started to hit him once I realized who it was. 

"You fucking bastard," I spat. I lifted my fist up again to hit him but something stopped me. 

"Daddy? What are you doing?" I looked up to see Isabella standing over us, watching her dad hit someone. I got up and tried to pick her up. She moved away from me. "Honey," I started, but she turned around, took her brothers hand in hers and ran up the stairs. Fuck.

"My son and daughter probably think I'm a monster now," I said, almost speaking to myself. I turned around. "And it's all your fucking fault." I had seen him get up from the corner of my eye, and he was a lot taller then I was. "Look, I wasn't the one who hit you." He smirked and looked over to Lucy, who was shaking in Tony's and Jenna's arms. Jessica was the only one that didn't know what happened between them. How he had led Lucy on, had raped her, used her for her body.  Jess looked so frightened, but at the same time, angry. "What the fuck do you want, Andy?" I asked again. "I want Lucy to come back. I'd be a much better fiance anyhow." I laughed loudly. "No, you wouldn't. I love Lucy and that's something you could never give her. I gave her two wonderful, loving children, who now think I'm a bad person. Those two children never see the bad sad of people, but now, thanks to you, they see a bad side." I told him, getting closer with every word. 

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