What If I Can't Forget You?

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a/n; sorry i took a two day break and yesterday i was going to update but i was scared because my computer was acting up and it was fucking creepy shit. but anyways, like i said two chapters ago, the rest of the story will be in Vic's point of view. but idk how long it is lol and it's a really big cliff hanger so don't hate me. ;o

For a five star hotel, their service wasn't all that great. I could tell that Lucy thought the same. It was two days that since we came back from the hotel, and my parents went on a business trip, leaving Mike, Lucy and I alone in the house for a month.

We were sitting in the living room, watching Spongebob. She was on my lap, falling asleep slowly. 

The doorbell rang and she stirred on my lap. "Fucking tease," I mumbled before I kissed the top of her head and pushed her off gently to answer the door. I heard her chuckle and saw her move over so her head was on Mike's lap, feet hanging off the couch. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair, while unlocking the door.

"Jaime! Tony!" I yell in excitment. "What are you guys doing here? I thought I was being avoided for a while longer?" I asked, moving so they could get in. Tony looked guilty, and he waited for Jaime to get in before he started talking. 

"Vic, look, man," he paused and rubbed the back of his neck. "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have spat at you like that yesterday. It's just that," he stopped. Tony backed up and told me to come out, and make sure to close the door behind me. "It's just that, you know I've like Lucy, I've liked her since the first day I saw her, and it's just that I thought I would actually be happy for a while, with her. I should have known that I wouldn't have a chance with her."

It was silent for a moment. 

I shook my head and turned around. Truth is, I believe Tony, and I feel like I really hurt him. But I couldn't just put my feelings aside for Lucy. 

"Vic," I heard him say before he grabbed my wrist and turned me around. 

"What?" I half yelled. I regretted it as soon as it slipped my mouth. All you could see in his eyes was hurt. 

"Tony, I'm sorry." I said. I honestly meant it too. Hurting Tony was like hurting a lost puppy. It killed me.

I hesitated for a little but soon pulled him in a hug. "Are you not going to hug me back?" 


I let go of him and looked at his face in confusion. 

"I thought you came to apologize?" I shook my head and laughed to myself. "Wow, Tony. You know, you think you finally have a real best friend, and then they go do something like this." 

I went inside and I flopped down on the couch. 

"You alright?" Lucy asked, sitting down to Jaime. 

"I'm fine." It came out rude, but I wasn't really in the mood. Even for Lucy.

"Look, if it was something that Tony said then I'm sorry, but it's nothing you should take out on me." She rolled her eyes and walked off to the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle and sitting on the opposite couch, glaring at me.

I mentally sighed and walked over to her. "I'm sorry." She rolled her eyes and laughed. "No, Vic. It's not going to work that way anymore." 

The doorbell rang and she went to answer it. 

Lucy was over there for a while, and I was getting anxious to find out who it was. 


"...Like him like I like you." I heard her say. 

What were they talking about? I decided to be a snoop and listen.

Hiding behind the wall, I listened. 

Tony: Well, Lucy, I'm so sorry. But he didn't mean to hurt me, or you. He didn't mean to yell. I know him. 

Lucy just sighed. Then she spoke, "I know. And it really sucks that you couldn't have told me that earlier. About Vic though, he's just been a really big douchebag lately. It hurts. it hurts a lot, Tony."

It sounded like she was crying and I didn't hear anything.

I peeked on the side of the wall and I saw they were hugging. 

"Spying?" Jaime asked, making me jump.

"Fuck off!" I laughed and playfully hit his shoulder. "Where you going?" I pointed to the bag. 

"Mike asked me to sleep over. It's his and I'm just going to get my clothes and stuff." He explained. 

I looked at him, and put on my best puppy face. "Aw," he laughed. 

"Shut up! Hey, take me with you?" I asked jumping up and down. 

Sighing, he gave in. "Mike! I'm taking Vic with me. We'll be back in a few!" 

"Kay!" Was all we got in return. 

As we walked past Tony and Lucy in the doorway, I glared, not meaning for it to be so harsh, but all I got in return was a smile from Lucy and the same hurt look from Tony.

Jaime turned the car on, and I couldn't help but notice that I couldn't get Tony's look of hurt in Tony's face. 

"Vic? Vic, you alright?" I was snapped out of my thought. 

"S-sorry. Thinking." It was silent for a moment. 

"Jaime? Can-can I ask you something?" 

He smiled and looked over at me. "Anything."

My palms were sweaty and could feel the heat rising up my face. 

"Well, uh, should-should I br-break up w-with L-Lucy?" I didn't know why, but I couldn't seem to get that sentence out of my mouth. 

In all honesty, I was hoping that he said 'no.'

He pulled over as soon as I finished.

"What?" He turned to face me fully.

"I said," I was cut off. "No, you idiot. I heard what you said. Why? Why are you thinking of that? You two are made for each other." 

My mind finally got a chance to rest. 

I sighed and ran my hand through my hand. 

"It's Tony. I mean, he really likes her, Jaime. And I mean, he really really likes her. And today, when you saw me peeking, I heard them talking. She said that she 'doesn't like him like I like you.'" I quoted the last part. 

He looked flustered, but he spoke soon. "If, if it helps, he probably supports you. And you could have heard her wrong. Maybe you should have heard the whole story. Why don't you ask her? Don't jump to conclusions, man." I nodded and he pulled back out onto the road. 

When we got back to the house, we both noticed that everyone was in the living room. "It's okay." He whispered. 

I nodded. 

"Luce," I called from the hallway, hoping she wouldn't hate me. Jaime passed her and sat down next to the television before joining the conversation. 

"We need to talk." I started, feeling my pamls start to sweat, my head spinning and my heart beginning to ache.

"Yes we do, and I think I should go first." She began. I nodded, telling her to continue. 

"I think we should break up." 

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