I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Part. (Part One.)

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A/n: i'm pretty sure that the rest of the story is going to be in Vic's point of view. i think. idk yet. we'll see i guess lol AND THIS IS HALF OF A CHAPTER, I'LL POST THE OTHER HALF IN LIKE 12 HOURS.. I HAVE TO SLEEP LOL OK BYE


I was awaken by the radio, which Lucy had turned on while getting ready, like she does every morning. "Luce," I mumbled, still half asleep.

She walked over to me and crawled on the bed. Stopping right above me, she leaned down and pecked my nose. "Morning," she smiled. I smiled back and got up on my elbows. "Good morning," I said before I kissed her cheek. 

"Ew," she joked as she wiped away the sloppy kiss. "You have morning breath. Go wash your teeth." She pointed to the bathroom across the hall. 

"Oh really? You don't like my morning breath? Are you sure about that?" I got on my knees, gently pushed her body on the bed and got on top of her. With one leg on each side of her, I leaned down and kissed her soft lips, deepening it with every move. 

After a good couple minutes, we pulled away because the lack of oxygen. Our eyes were staring into eachothers, before I broke the silence. 

"So," I smiled, trying to be mysterious, "what your brother said yesterday..about you loving? Yeah, uh, what was that about?" She groaned and pushed me off. 

"Go wash your mouth and get ready. We'll be late." I grabber her arm and pulled her back down. 

"Skip with me." She looked at me like I was crazy. "Are you crazy?!" She started to pace on the floor. 

I groaned and made her look at me. "C'mon, my parents know that I skip, they know I would make you skip at least one day. I mean, I am a bad influence, aren't I?" I winked at her while I pulled her in closer to me. 

She sighed and stared at the floor for a while before answering. 

"Only if you properly ask me." She grinned. I grinned right after her. "You want me to properly ask you to skip school...mhm." She nodded. 

I got down on both knees-we weren't getting married. "Lucy, will you skip school with me? You will not regret it." I smiled widely. "I don't regret anything with you," she said as she jumped in my arms. 

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