Why Do Good Girls, Like Bad Guys?

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My mother, Lucy and I were sitting downstairs, talking about marriage.

"When do you think you'll propose?" I thought about it for a minute. "I don't know. I always thought that when It came that time for me, the girl would." Lucy and my mom raise their eyebrows. "I am not proposing." She laughed and leaned back on the couch. I let out a small chuckle. "Victor, I think it should be soon. The kids might feel like you're only staying together for them." I looked at Lucy, who was looking at me. "She's right?" I admitted, but it sounded more like a question. All Lucy did was nod. "Well, all I know is you do it whenever you're ready." She got up from the couch, kissed my cheek and went upstairs. "C'mon guys! Bath time!" She called from the kids' room. I smiled to myself and looked at my mom. She looked angry.

"Mom, calm down. I already know when I'm going to do it. Mike and Tony helped me pick out a ring last week." She looked less angry. "I'm just saying Vic, once those children realize you two aren't married, they're going to be sad." She got up and let herself out the house.

I threw my head back and groaned. Why was she so worried about us getting married?

~two days later~

"Mikey! Stop!" Isabella cried. "Want me to get it?" I asked, and untangled Lucy's fingers from my side. She shook her head. "I'll get it." 

"What's going on with you two?" I heard Lucy yell. When I couldn't hear anything else, I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a beer. My head was hurting so much, and nothing was helping. I jumped when I heard a door slam shut. "Oh, not with this again." I mumbled to myself as I ran up the steps to find Isabella crying and Lucy yelling at her brother. "Baby," I walked over to her. "Hey, what happened?" She looked up at me and smiled very weakly. "I don't like Mikey, anymore." I frowned. "That isn't nice." I dragged my thumbs across her cheeks and cleared them of tears. "I'm sorry," she replied before drying her eyes with my shirt. "It's fine, just don't say it again," I told her, even though it was the second time this happened this week. We were quiet for a minute, listening to Mike and Lucy in the room. 

"You cannot keep hitting her!" 

"She told me I was adopted!" 

We heard Lucy sigh.

"Michael, we've been over this. You aren't adopted, I even showed you proof." 

"I don't care! As long as she tells me I'm adopted, I'm going to tell her that you guys don't like her and wish she wasn't alive!" It was silent in the room, and between Izzy and I.

"Baby, is this true?" I whispered for only us to hear. She nodded. Now I could see why she hated him. 

Lucy said something to Mike, but I couldn't make out what it was exactly. It was silent for a moment again. "I hate you!" He screamed. 


I picked up Isabella and walked in the room to find Lucy stuck in a position with her finger out pointing at Mike and a tear running down her cheek. She was kneeling to be his height. 

"Alright, that's it. I'm tired of this!" I shouted louder then I wanted to. All three of them looked up at me, not saying a word. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. "Look, we're a family. You two are brother and sister. And you both deserve respect from the other. But most importantly, you have to love your mother. If it weren't for her, you wouldn't be here," I told them as I put Isabella down and sat Mike next to her. I grabbed a chair, sat down and pulled Lucy on my lap. 

"But, Daddy!" Mike started. "No." I said sternly. 

"If we don't have family, what do we have?" I asked. "Nothing," Isabella mumbled. "Exactly. Which is why we need to stay as close to each other as we can. No matter what, family will be there, no matter how much you don't want them to be. But, if you push it too far, you'll lose the people who actually care about you." I looked at Lucy to see that she was still crying. "Baby, baby look at me." I made her look at me. As I did earlier to Izzy, I did to Lucy, I wiped her cheeks with my thumbs. "He was angry, he didn't mean it." I heard feet shuffle on the floor so I looked to see Mike at Lucy's side. "Mommy," he whispered. "I'm sorry. I-I," he paused. "Daddy was right. I was mad because you were taking Izzy's side." Lucy nodded and grabbed him up to her chest. "Baby, don't ever say that you hate me again, alright? Because when you hate me, I hate me too." He kissed her cheek. "Mommy, don't hate yourself. You're pretty." He grinned and Lucy and I let out a small laugh. 

I looked past them both to look at Isabella. "You." I pointed to her and got up so Lucy could hold Mike properly. "Baby, you can't tell him that he was adopted." I sat down next to her. "You know, I'm going to let you in a secret." She nodded eagerly. "If he was adopted, then you would have to be also." She gasped and shook her head. I laughed. "But you're not, so please stop telling him that?" It came out as a question, but she knew I mean business. "Kay, Daddy." She climbed on my lap and kissed my cheek. 

"Good." I gave her a smile hug before I turned back to Lucy and Mike. "Get ready, we're going out for dinner." Isabella jumped off my lap and ran to her dresser. Mike followed and Lucy walked up to me. "Why?" I shrugged and took her hand, leading her out the room. "I just want to," I mumbled as I tangled our fingers together and leaned in to kiss her. "Vic," she mumbled as she pulled away, "go get ready." I groaned. "No." I cupped her face with my other hand and pulled her in. 

"Ew," we heard Isabella and Michael laugh. She had a shirt on, but she didn't have on her pants, whereas her brother had on nothing but underwear. "Let's so get you two dressed," I said as I let go of Lucy's hand and pecked her lips once more. "You get ready too!" I told her as I walked in the bedroom. "Go pick out what you want to wear." 


"Are we there yet? I have to go pee." Lucy ended the silence. I groaned. "I told you to go before we left!" She looked at me and laughed. "I didn't have to go then." I raised my left eyebrow and thought for a moment. "We left ten minutes ago." 

It was silent again.

"Daddy?" Isabella spoke. "Yeah, sweetie?" "Are you mad at Mommy?" I laughed and looked at Lucy before watching the fairly empty road again. "No." I looked at the mirror and saw Isabella smiling and nod. 

After another ten minutes, we reached where I wanted to go. 

"C'mon," I whispered as I unbuckled my seatbelt. I got out the car and opened the back door, unbuckling Isabella, Lucy did the same with Michael. I locked the door and held Izzy in my arms. I grabbed Lucy's free hand with mine, and led her up a long stairwell. "Where are we going? I'm tired." She mumbled, well, more like groaned. "Shut up and trust me for once, yeah?" I laughed, she nodded and squeezed my hand. 

I tried to count the steps, but lost count after forty-nine. 

"We're here." I smiled and pulled Lucy  by the wrist, careful not to awake Mike and Lucy. 

"What is this place?" Lucy giggled. "An overlook of the city." I replied. She looked at me and smiled. I returned the smile. "Guys, wake up." I lighty tapped the twins. 

We spent the whole evening looking out in the city, and had dinner at one of the small restaurants. When it was dark, we came out, to the city looking beautiful in the dark.  Isabella and Michael were playing tag near the big boulders, Lucy was cuddled into my arms. "This is perfect." She whispered. I looked down at her and smiled. "Luce," she looked up to me. "I love you, don't ever forget that. Okay? I want you to promise me that." She looked confused by my words, but nodded. "I love you too." 

We were about to get up and leave, but I told Lucy to stay put for a minute. 

I walked over to the kids, and asked them for a favor. They nodded, and walked over to Lucy, keeping her busy. I ran down the steps, and went to the car. 

When I came up again, Lucy was still sitting there without the twins. It looked like they were playing hide-n-seek, and my guess was that Lucy was counting. I chuckled to myself. 

"Lucy," I asked. She looked over to me and smiled. "What's wrong?" I walked behind her and picked the kids up, telling Mike to get ready. He nodded and grinned. "Now, I know that it's been seven years, but, better late then never, right? And even though it wouldn't make a difference, married or not, will you marry me?" Her mouth was open and I leaned in so Isabella could close it. Mike pulled the ring out my jacket pocket and open it, showing it to his mom. 

"Mommy, say yes." They both reminded her. It honestly looked like she was going to cry. 

She nodded before walking over to us and pulling all three of us in a hug. "I'm more in shock then I should be." She admitted as we walked down the steps, going to the car. "I know." I replied. 

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