You Only Live Once Make Every Second Divine.

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*Mike's P.O.V*

Lucy and Vic have been in the hospital for a week, and today was the day when they were coming home. Jaime, Tony, Jenna and my parents were in the living room, setting up the streamers and whatever else, my mom bought at the dollar store.

I, however, was in the kitchen, making the food.

Since I was the only one that "could cook," no one else helped.

"Michael!" My mom called from the living room. "What?"

"Did you buy the cake?" I sighed and rolled my eyes. I walked in the living room. "Mom, they aren't getting married, yet. There's no need for cake." She let out a "pft," and went back to blowing balloons. My dad walked in from only he knows where and spoke up, for the first time since he got here. "No, Michael, your mother is right." "Stop calling me, 'Michael.' It's Mike. And why do we need a cake?" Jenna walked up to me and laughed. "Go get cheesecake." Her eyes lit up. I looked down at the girl and smiled. God, she was such a little kid. "Do you wanna come with and pick it out?" Jaime looked over to us and cleared his throat, then looked back down. "Hold on," Jenna walked over to Jaime and asked him something, in a whisper. He shook his head. "C'mon, don't get mad." She whispered a bit too loud. We all looked over to them.

Jaime blushed. "Alright." She walked back over to me and picked up my keys. "Can I drive?"

"NO!" Tony, Jaime and I yelled at the same time. "Why not?" She pouted. "You're a very reckless driver." I laughed and grabbed them. "Follow me." I grabbed her wrist and walked out the house, getting in the car after opening the passangers seat and letting Jenna in.

After a while, when we came to a red light, I asked her something. "What's going on between you and Jaime?" I raised my eyebrows and smiled. She cleared her throat and started playing with her fingers. "Nothing. Why do you think something's going on?" She looked out the window. "Mmm, let's think. You asked him if you could come with me to the store, you're always sitting next to him, you two are constantly on the phone if you aren't together, need I continue?" Jenna looked at me and laughed.

"Thank God. Alright, so if I tell you, will you not tell anyone else?" Her eyes lit up again.

"I make no promises." I held my head up high and laughed when I looked down at her and saw she pouted. "Alright, I won't say a thing." She looked up at me and unbuckled her seatbelt and turned to face me.

"I've been waiting for someone to talk too, yay!" She squealed. All I could do was laugh. "Go on."

"Alright, well we've been going out, and for the past two weeks, he's sorta, changed, from the first couple months. Don't get me wrong, I still really, really, like him, but he's being mean. I'm not allowed to do anything with guys anymore. He thinks that I'll cheat. Plus, he's said that he loves me, but I'm just not ready, you know? And, I don't know, I liked him better before he would jump to conclusions about me." I nodded and took this all in.

"So how long have you two dated?" She thought for a moment. "Six months, seven next Monday." She grinned. "I'm impressed." I stated. Jenna looked confused. "Why?"

I parked the car and unbuckled my seat belt. "Because, Jaime doesn't like to stick to one girl, if you know what I mean. He likes to ditch them as soon as he doesn't trust them anymore." We got out and I locked the car.

"So, you're saying he doesn't trust me?" She slightly nodded to herself and frowned. "No, no, no. I'm saying that if you don't reassure him, then you'll lose his trust. And that's really tough to get back." She laughed. "Wow, that makes me feel so much better." She teased.

We walked in the store and went straight to the cheesecake section. "Order one with words" I asked. "Mhm, I like your thinking." She smiled.

"Can I help you?" The lady asked. "Can we have a strawberry cheesecake with, 'Congrats Vic and Lucy?" The lady eyed Jenna and I. "Are you Lucy and Vic?" We looked at each other with wide eyes and started to laugh. "No." I told her. "It's my brother and her niece."

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