We'll Grow Old Together.

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yay two chapters in one day! :3 but yo, to my loyal 5 or 6 readers, thanks. (:

*It's been two years since the last chapter.* "And here's the master bedroom." The real estate agent said as she showed me the last room. "This house is perfect." I whispered. "What?" She asked sweetly. "Oh, uh, I just said that this house is perfect." I smiled and nodded. "It certainly is a beauty." She replied. 

I turned to face her and saw her looking at me creepily. 

"So, how much did you say it would be to buy?" The real estate agent looked at me up and down, before speaking. 

"How much would you pay?" I didn't get a chance to answer. 

Stay, for tonight, if you want too, I can show you, what my dreams are made of.

My ringtone blasted from my pocket. "I-I'm so sorry. I forgot to turn it off. It'll just be a moment, alright?" I smiled and walked over to the window. 

"Hello?" I asked in the phone. 

"Hey," Lucy replied with her usual sweet voice. "Where are you at?"

I didn't want to answer, considering that this was supposed to be a surprise for her birthday next week. 

"I'm uh, with Mike at Pet-Smart. You alright?" It was silent for a minute. 

"Victor Fuentes, are you lying to me?" 

"No! Why would you think that?" Silent again. 

"Let me talk to him."

"I don't know where he went, hold on let me find him." I dialed his number and when he answered, I caught him up. Putting it on threeway, I made sure Lucy was still there. 

"Mike? Are you really with Vic?" 

"Uh, yeah! How else would I be on the phone with you at the moment?" I face palmed. 

"Michael! I swear on your head if I find out you're lying to me." I heard Mike gulp. "I'm not! Why don't you believe me?" 

I was silent while their conversation continued. 

"Hey, uh Luce, we have to go." I hung up after Mike said bye. 

"Sorry, where were we?" I rubbed the back of my neck and walked back over to the lady. 

"The price." She caught me up. 

"Right, so does 24,000 sound about right? I mean, I'm just guessing." 

She thought about it for a while and nodded her head. 

"Add five thousand and you got a deal!" She smiled. 

"Ooh. You see, we're expecting a baby, and we don't really have," I got cut off.

"I see. Well then, it's alright. I mean this poor house isn't even worth the amount you offered. It's only worth nineteen thousand."

"Wait..why didn't you tell me this instead of letting me throw my money around?" 

She laughed. "Kid, this house, the more you pay, the less bills you get. My company, they'll pay the heating and plumbing. All you have to pay is the mortgage and you're good." 

I nodded at how good of a deal I was getting. 

"You got a deal." I smiled. 


It was Lucy's birthday and I was the first up. I was going o make her breakfast in bed for three. 

Like I said, we were expecting a baby. She had to eat for the little one too. 

Before I brought everything up, I went upstairs and woke up Mike to help. 

After she was done everything, I made her and Mike get dressed to come see the house. 

We were still living in my parents' house.

They didn't really mind us, other then the night when the little baby inside my girlfriend was being made.

While I was driving, my phone started to ring. 

"Can you grab that, baby?" She nodded.

"Hello?" I couldn't hear what the other person was saying.

"Yeah, we're driving to it now! I can't wait." She stopped to hear the other person talk.

"I know. Even though him and Mike lied about many, many things," she glared at me before smiling again, "It was really, really sweet." Lucy leaned over and kissed my cheek while the other person talked.

"Can you stop with all the mushy stuff? It's nasty!" Mike said very loudly from the backseat. 

It was a good thing he got over Lucy. 

"Sorry." She blushed. 

I got tired of wondering who it was. When we got to a red light, I turned to Lucy, who was still on the phone. "Who is it?" I smiled, hoping she wouldn't ignore me. 

"Jaime." She replied before pointing at the green light. 

I sighed and stepped on the gas pedal. 

We got to the house a couple lights later and Lucy gasped. 

"I told you that I'd pay for it all." She turned around and pecked my lips. 

"Thank you, baby." 

"Anything for you. Happy birthday, darling." I said as I walked around to her poking out stomach.

Crouching down and rubbing it, I started to talk to it. 

"This is your new house, buddy. Your room won't be done for a while, but that's okay, 'cause you'll sleep in Mommy and Daddy's room until you're a couple months old. But when it's done, it'll either be all girly or boy-ish depending on what you are. Which reminds me, sorry that we don't know what you are, we just wanted to be surprised when you finally popped out of Mommy." 

I took a breath and stood up. "Are you sure that you still want to be surprised?" 

Her face looked uneven. "Not really. I really want to know if we're going to have a boy, so that way he'll be as perfect as his daddy." 

I sighed. "You're so mushy." I laughed as Mike rolled his eyes and hit the back of my head. 

"Let's go inside." He said. I gave him the key and told him we'll be right back. 

I turned back to Lucy. "Whoa! Your stomach just grew!" I laughed after she did. "You're mean!" She wrapped her arms around our un-born child. "Careful! You're going to hurt her." 

She looked at me in confusion. "No, no, no. It's going to be a boy." She laughed. 

"I don't want a boy, though." I admit, I sounded like a child, but I really wanted a girl. 

She sat there in thought for a moment before grabbing my wrist and dragging me to the car. 

"Let's go find out that we have a boy." She grinned. 

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