Wake Up In The Middle Of The Night, Scaring The Thought Of Kissing Razors.

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"I think we should break up." Lucy finished her sentence. 

Even though I was going to say the same thing, my heart sank to my feet. 

I couldn't even control the next sentence that came out my mouth. "W-w-why? I t-thought," 

She grabbed my hands and led me upstairs.

"Sit down." She directed her hands towards the bed. I did so, and she sat down next to me, after shutting the door. 

"I-I think I like someone else." It's like my heart came back up just to sink once more. "Wh-what do you mean? I," my mouth dried up. "I thought you loved me." Lucy looked down and started playing with her hands. I started to pace back and forth on the floor, not knowing what to say or do. 

My mind kept telling me to do it, so I did. I fell to the floor, crawling on my knees, to the corner. Bringing my head inbetween my knees, the door opened. 

"Hey, are you guys alright?" I looked up to see Mike, and shook my head, crying. 

They both sighed at the same time and he walked up to me. Crouching down next to me, he held out his arms and hugged me.

I couldn't hug back. I was frozen and didn't plan to move for the rest of my life.

Mike looked at Lucy, who was now looking at the both of us, and mouthed something. I saw her shake her head and mouthed something back. 

He looked at me and sat down completely. "Shh. Vic, it'll be alright. She's still here for you, you're still friends." I managed to move my head and eyebrows to pull an angry face on.

"What-what do you mean, 'it'll be alright'? Mike, you know how much I love her! And you know what happens to me when I get-get like this!" I yelled, not realizing how loud I was. 

It was silent for a moment. 

"Who...who is he?" Lucy looked like she didn't want to answer my question, but Mike nodded his head, as in approval. "Might as well get it out now, before he gets angry." 

She nodded, got on the floor with us and tried to take my hand in hers. "No," I mumbled. 

She sighed. "Well, uh, the guy, he's..he's uh, Tony." I felt my face get red. 

"Are you mad, Vic?" Mike asked. I didn't reply, or move. 

"Vic." Mike dragged on. I nodded and whispered, "I...I'm not mad. Disapointed? Very. Sad? More like sad times a million. But, I don't know. I feel betrayed." I could feel Lucy shift from the awkwardness. 

"I-I'm so sorry, Vic. You have no idea how much it actually hurt me to say that, but I just don't want to be in a relationship that I'm not happy in." 

I could tell that from the look on my face I was surprised and confused. 

"Wait, you weren't happy? I...I couldn't make you happy?" It came out a lot softer then I hoped.

I rushed out the bedroom and locked the door behind me, making sure it was locked. 

I pulled out my razor (a/n: sorry if that's a trigger, i hope you're all okay, I'm here if you need to talk.) and looked at myself in the mirror. 

"Well if I can't make Lucy happy then what I good for?" I bit on my bottom lip and sighed.

I put it down and sat on the toilet. "Why am I crying? So what Lucy lied? So what if she doesn't love me back?" I smiled very weakly and dried my tears. 

I unlocked the door and walked downstairs. The first thing that came to my eyes was Tony. 

"You." I pointed to him and started walking towards him. "You call yourself my best friend and then you go do, this? How dare you!?" He looked in confusion. "Vic, buddy, what do you mean?" 

I scoffed. "Don't..don't call me, 'buddy'!" Jaime walked in from the kitchen and dropped the plastic bowl he was holding of chips. He ran over to me and pinned me down on the couch. 

"Jaime! Move! Let me go!" I yelled. "No." He replied stubbornly. "God dammit, move!" I pushed him off of me and stood back up. Tony still stood with the confused look on his face. 

"Get out. Now." I whispered as tears rolled down my face and my hand was pointed towards the door. 

He lifted his hands in defeat and sighed. "Look, I don't know what I did, and I'm pretty sure it's fucking horrible since we've never fought, but I'm sorry. And whenever you can forgive me, just call." He shrugged and left without another word. 

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