Paint Yourself A Picture, Something Perfectly Obscure.

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a/n: sorry i didn't update yesterday i was lazy tbh lol but here xo

PS; CLIFFHANGER ((; sorry, don't hate me ok. but the other part will be up tomorrow cx


Lucy and I have been dating for 6 months now, and I can say that she's been a lot happier. 

We both have.

It's Monday, and we're on summer break. My mom came in the room, and shook me, careful not to wake up Lucy. "Vic, your dad and I are leaving, alright? Mike spent the night at Tony's so it's just you and Lucy. We love you, bye." Even if I wasn't awake, she'd say the same thing everyday. During the summer, the only time Mike wouldn't be at Tony's was a couple nights. It was rare for him to be home. 

I decided to go back to sleep. I woke up when I felt a shake. Looking down, I see that Lucy's still asleep. The shake got stronger. 

I come quick to the realiziation. "Lucy! Lucy, get up! Move, move move." I push her away from the window and pull her to the bathroom, sitting with Lucy in my lap. 

"What's going on?" She said sleepily. "It's an earthquake. I didn't want the windows come crashing down on you, so I had to bring you in here." I looked in her eyes, pushing her hair away from her eyes. "Good morning," I said as I planted a kiss on her cheek. "Good morning," she replied as she smiled and held my cheek. "Thanks, Vic." "Welcome, babe." I smile softly. 

After an hour of Lucy sitting on my lap, me holding her closer to me as if nothing else mattered, and the ground shaking underneath us, the earthquake stopped and we got up. 

She looked concerned. "Vic," she grabbed my bicep. "What's wrong?" I looked at her, my eyebrow raised. "How far does Tony live from here?" I wondered why she needed to know, but answered with, "About a 30 minute walk, 15 drive." She nodded, and let go of my upper arm. She pecked my cheek and started walking downstairs. "Wait, no! Lucy," I ran after her and grabbed her arm. "Why?" She looked down and started playing with her fingers. 

"Nothing," she started off. "Hey, I've known you for ten months now. You can't think that I'm going to leave it at this." I waited a couple seconds for a reply. "Alright, whatever, Lucy, forget it. Have it your way. Forget this." I mumbled, harshly. I didin't mean for it to come out this way, but it did. I couldn't change it now, but I was mad. 

When I got to the kitchen, I noticed that she didn't follow me. I sighed and went to the fridge. I pulled out the milk and reached for the cereal on the top of the fridge. Closing the fridge, after putting the milk back in it's place, I sat on the breakfast bar, and I saw Lucy, fully clothed, ready for the day. 

"You okay?" I asked, knowing she'd still be upset. Even though she didn't have a reason to be. 

She shook her head, and started to cry. I rushed over to her side and pulled her over to the couch and let her snuggle in the crook of my neck. 

"Shh, it's okay." I whispered. "Baby, hey, hey what's wrong?" 

She swallowed, and looked in my eyes. "H-H-He's back." I probably had a weird look on my face, because she just started crying again and saying sorry. 

I understood why she wanted Tony. 
Ever since he met her, they were best friends. I grabbed my phone and called the boys. 

"Why-why'd you call them?" I sighed and smiled. "Because you need them, just as much as they need you. You might be in trouble and I need help to kill the idiot that would make you cry." She smiled very weakly, and hugged me. 

"I really lo-" She stopped. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have started or even thought about it." She said looking away and letting go of my hands. I looked at  her and laughed. "No, baby, say it whenever you're ready. Just know that I'll never pressure you to say it back. Even if you're not ready, I love you, alright? Just know that." 

Her eyes widen and she stopped crying. "I-I- I thought you wouldn't say it back and I didn't want to push you. I love you too, Vic." I grinned and pulled her over me, resting our foreheads together. "Good." I said before I kissed her.

I knew why she had trouble saying that she loved me first, which is why I told her that she didn't need to say it unless she was sure. 

It's just, the last guy she was with, was before her parents had died. He was in college, and they were together for a year, but never said ' I love you, ' once. Lucy blamed herself for the end of the relationship. 

"I love you," She said hopefully. He looked at her bewildered. 
"You little slut really thought I loved you? Or that I'd stay faithful with you? Shit, people said you were good with sex, which is why I stayed with your ass this long!" He yelled at her. Crushed her heart, and then burned it.

And if that wasn't enough, he raped her afterwards. She tried everything in her power to get away, but he was stronger than she was. 

" Really?" She asked crying. More like sobbing. "Are you really going to believe people your whole life, Andy?! I was a fucking virgin." She spat. He smirked, pushed her up against the wall and started violently kissing her all over her body. 


I shook at the story. I noticed that she was lost in thought, just like I was a couple of seconds ago. 

"Hey, Luce, are you okay? You still never told me who was here." She nodded her head. 

She stood up and just then Jaime, Mike and Tony walked in. 

She told them the story, crying at the thought, and I have to admit, I cried too. I really didn't want to think that the girl I loved, my girlfriend, was raped, cheated on, and made felt like shit. 

As soon she finished, a knock came on the door.

"I'll answer it," she whispered, Tony following close behind her after exchanging looks with the rest of us. From the living room, Jaime, Mike and I heard screaming, crying and punching. 

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