It Started With A Kiss, How Did It End Up Like This?

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a/n: This was supposed to be up yesterday, but while i was writing it, my internet went out so here it is. + there most likely be another up tonight((:

It was a Sunday morning, and when I woke up, I was alone. I shrugged it off and crawled out of bed. 

"Vic?" Lucy called from the living room and looked at me. "Good morning." She smiled, making me smile. "Hey," I replied. "Hello." Mike exclaimed cheerfully. I groaned and rolled my eyes. "What are you doing here?" Mike looked down and pointed at Lucy. She got up and pulled her shirt down, which had rolled up from sitting on the couch. "I wanted him here, just like I wanted Jaime, Tony and Jenna here too." I smiled. "What do you mean?" 

I didn't get a reply because the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." Lucy walked past Mike and I. 

"Everyone, sit down." She looked at me when she entered the room. "You too." I nodded and sat down next to Jenna. "Well," Lucy started to play with her hands. "You guys know how-how we were going to have a baby, right?" 

"Wait, did you say, were?" I stood up and walked over to her. "What do you mean, were? Are you telling me that you killed my baby?" Lucy laughed. "Sorry, I'm nervous. I mean are." I took a deep breath in and nodded while sitting down again. 

"Well, what's wrong?" Jenna spoke up for the first time today.

"Alright, I'm just going to come right out and say this," she took a deep breath. "We're having twins." 


I woke up to my name being called. "Vic?" Lucy asked. "Lucy, I had the weirdest dream." I sat up. 

She blushed and started playing with her hands. "Lucy," I paused until she looked at me. "That wasn't a dream..was it?" She shook her head and smiled weakly. I smiled back and hugged her. 

"The more the merrier, right?" I pulled back and looked in her eyes. "It's better since you're the mom." She grabbed my hand and pullled me outside. "Where are we going?" I asked confused. 

Lucy stopped and turned around. "To get the nursey, where else?" She grinned. I nodded to continue to let her drag me to the car. 

"We left the guys and Jenna there, right?" I asked. Lucy nodded. "Plus, I told them that when you got up, we where going anyways, so they know to lock the doors."

I  continued to drive as Lucy sang along to her favorite Sleeping With Sirens song, If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn. It was her ringtone on my phone. 

After a couple of minutes of silence, she spoke up. "You know, if we happen to break up, and I saw you with another girl, I'd probably murder you and then her."  We both laughed. "Why me?"  We came to a red light before she answered me. "Because, you would have left me." She whispered. 

I mentally 'awed'. "Well, can I let you in on a little secret?" I asked as the light turned green. "Go," she pointed to the light and then said, "Sure." 

"I plan to leave you."  I laughed. "What?" I guess she didn't pick up on the joke, because she sounded hurt. 

"Why?" I sighed and looked over at her for a second. "I mean, I plan to leave you everyday when I go to work, or go to the store when you need anything. And I plan to leave you when I go pick out your engagment ring this afternoon." She gasped a little, but laughed. "You're an idiot. Plus, you're not supposed to tell me that you're going to pick it up!" She hit my arm. 

"Well I wanted to let you know incase you turn me down. I want you to figure out a way to say no to all this." I grinned. 

"I could never say no." Lucy laughed. 

As we pulled up to the parking lot, she asked if I knew what I wanted to name the babies. It was the only thing we talked about as we bought everything the nurseries needed. 

"It'll all be delivered in one to two weeks." The man smiled. 

We nodded and walked out the store.

"Wow, that was a lot of money." She breathed. "Yeah! They're not getting new beds until they're five." I laughed. "I completely agree." She smiled. 

"You know, we would be perfect if we got married." I said as I opened her car door. 

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