I Took A Walk For The Very First Time.

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A/n: you're not going to know what gender the baby is until it comes, sorry!(: but anyways this isn't really anything other than a filler.

"Let's go find out that we're having a boy." She grinned.

I nodded. "Race you to the car!" She shook her head. "No, you cheat and I'm running for two!" She frowned.

I stopped where I was and I ran back to Lucy. "You can have a head start." I sang and winked.

"You're such a baby," she scoffed before running to the car.


"What made you change your mind?" The nurse asked when we signed in the doctors office.

"Well, I don't really know. Just curious, I guess." Lucy smiled.

"And you?" The nurse directed this to me.

"I wanted to prove that we're having a girl." I grinned. Both of the girls nodded and the nurse said to sit down and wait at least fifteen minutes.

As we took our seats, Lucy grabbed my hand. "You're sure that you want to find out, right?" I nodded in silent agreement.

Between Lucy and I, it was quiet. I looked over to see her rubbing her stomach.

"Hey, are you alright?" Lucy looked over at me and took her hands away from the baby's protection. "Y-yeah." She smiled falsely. "Do you really think that I'm going to believe that?" I asked as I turned to face her completely. She shook her head. "It's-it's just that, I'm worried."

Lucy was cut off. "Lucy and Victor? It's your turn." I bit my lip as I stood up to help Lucy.

"We'll finish this later." I laughed and put my arms around her waist while walking to the room.


When we got back to the house, Mike had already made himself at home.

"Comfortable, are we?" Lucy joked.

He nodded and continued watching the tv. I walked up to him and hit the back of his head. "Why are you still here?" I asked laughing. "Am I not allowed to be here, waiting for my older brother and his girlfriend of two years and my little nephew or niece?" I thought for a moment. "One, you're not moving in. Two," I grinned a bit too big. Mike caught on and started to congratulate us.

"Why are you two grinning?" Lucy asked as she walked in the living room.

"Nothing," we said at the same time.

She glared at us. "Sure. Uh-huh. I'll believe that for now." We grinned at her and I ran to pick her up.

"Put me down!" She screeched.

I sat down and put her on my lap.

"Like I said before; anything for you, my darling." I pecked her lips.

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