I'll Take You Out, Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time. (Part Two)

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A/n: i know that i said last chapter it was going to be in Vic's point of view, but this chapters going to be 3rd person ok; plus since it's late it's really long, i hope(:

Lucy was taking a shower a couple of minutes before, letting Vic figure some things out.

While she was finishing up, Vic was getting dressed. 

Okay, I have to look nice, but I also have to look horrible. I have to make her think that we're just going out. Vic looked in the mirror, unhappy with what he saw. Sighing, he turned on the straightener. 

Just as he finished, Lucy came in the bedroom with both her hair and body in a towel. She walked over to Vic, and kissed his check. "When you're done, think you can get out so I can get ready?" She spoke softly. He nodded and turned his head to face her and kissed her lips. "I don't wanna," He replied. 

She moved away and laughed, "Get out, your pervert!" He rolled his eyes and smiled. "Anything for you, my love!" He walked out the room and closed the door behind him. 

My love? She thought. She shook it off and began to get dressed. 

What should I wear? Is it going to be casual, or dressy? She thought of what she should do, and called Vic. 

"Vic!" She waited for a reply. 

"Yeah, babe?" He called back. 

"Where are we going?" 

"I can't tell you!" She scoffed at his reply. "Please?! I don't know what to wear!"

She waited a while for a reply, before Vic came to the door and pecked her lips. "Just dressed as if we were watching a movie." He winked and left. 

Lucy sighed before she yelled, "You're no help!" And with that, she slammed the door.

He's taking me to the movies? She thought that she'd rather be in school then go see a movie in a black space sitting for an hour and half. 

But that wasn't at all where Vic was taking her. That's just what he wanted her to think.

She looked in the mirror and put on her favorite shirt.

Alex Gaskarth's "A.W.G", with a pair of tight black skinnies and a beanie on her straightened black with blonde hair. Putting on her favorite pair of Converse, Vic came in the room. 

"Are you ready?"

She bit the corner of her lip and looked at her clothing, nodding. "Yeah," she laughed. 


"Wow, Vic, I thought we were going to the movies. This car trip doesn't feel like a ten minute ride." Lucy was bored, and in honesty, it had been more then ten minutes. 

"Oh, quit your whining and put in the All Time Low cd." She groaned and shuffled through the messy department in Vic's car. 

An old All Time Low song came on, and Vic started to sing to along. Lucy looked at him, and laughed. 

"What?" He looked at her and smiled.

"Your voice..it's...nice." She replied.

Vic nodded and brought his eyes back to the road. 

An hour or so past and Lucy was getting really irritated. 

"Vic, where are we going?! It's already getting dark, and we've been sitting, driving, for an hour. I need to know, now."

He just looked at her and laughed and pulled over. 

"Do you trust me?" He asked as he took her hands in his and looked in her eyes.

"Well, I did before you took me on this boring ass car ride." She mumbled.

She crossed her arms and looked out the window.

Vic mentally rolled his eyes and sighed. He unclicked the seltbelt and moved over so he was sitting on top of her. "Say you're sorry and that you'll be patient for the rest of the car ride," he smirked. 

Now Vic crossed his arms, but he looked at her. 

"No." She replied stubbornly. 

He gave up and began to tickle her. "Say it now." 

"No." He looked at her.

"You're not ticklish?" He frowned. 

"No, but it was very adorable how you tried." She laughed.

"Oh, shut up." He got off and sat back in his own seat. 

Lucy felt bad so she gave up. "I'm sorry and I'll be patient." She frowned. 

Vic's eyes lit up and he jumped on her again. 

"Aw, this is why you're my favorite person in the whole wide world," he said between fast kisses. 

She cupped his face in her hands and kissed him one last time before she said anything. 

"Let's get this over with, drive." Vic tried to look hurt, it didn't work. "Do you not want to spend time with me? Am I not good enough for you now? What about my kisses, are you too good for them too?" He left his mouth open. 

She chuckled and closed his mouth with her palm. "We're spending time now, you'll always be too good for me, they're perfect." She smiled, making Vic smile with her. 

"Aw, you are too good for me." He pouted playfully. She looked in his eyes and pushed him off. 

"You know, I could say the same thing for you." She planted a kiss on his lips and licked his bottom lip, asking for entrance. He allowed, but battled with her tongue for domance. 

After pulling apart, he put his hand on her cheek and smiled. "I love you."

She looked worried, but replied. "Vic, you know I really really like you, and you also know my past." He cut her off. "I know. And that's why I let you know. But, just so you know, I'm not going to make you rush. I won't make you say it unless you're ready." He took her hand and kiss it before he starting driving again.


They finally got there after another twenty minutes, and Lucy was surprised. The sight was breath taking. 

What she hadn't realized was that they were going uphill, and that they could see the whole city from where they were driving up too. 

"Wow, Vic, this...this is beautiful." She finally got out. He got out the car and leaned in to her ear. "Just like you." As he finished, he kissed her cheek. 

"You-you have got to stop that," she laughed and turned to face him, with his face only a few inchs away. "Stop what?" He laughed back. She glared at him before she burst out laughing. "Ugh," she playfully smacked his shoulder. "I hate you." 

He smiled and hugged her. "That's why you don't." He mumbled into the crook of her neck.

They stayed in that postion for a while. "Oh, Luce?" 

"Yeah?" She looked up at him.

"Let's eat." He lead her to the only table, and pulled out her seat. 

"Such a gentleman," she joked.

"Hush up! You know you like it." He winked while sitting down in his seat.

After they ate, they took pictures and were wrapping their night up. 

"Oh yeah, one more surprise." He took her back to the car and drove for three minutes.

They arrived to a five star hotel. "What-what's this?" She asked. "A hotel. We have a room for one night." He smiled. 

She looked up at Vic, and smiled. 

When they got into the room, she pinned him to the bed and kissed his lips. 

"Whoa there!" He laughed. "Nothing's happening tonight," he winked.

"I know." She grinned. They were looking in eachother's eyes until Lucy spoke up. 

"Vic," she mumbled. "Yeah?" He smiled at her voice. "I love you, too."

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