Too Much Of You, Is Never Enough.

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A/N(1): okay, so one, I've updated this story 2 other times this you think I should up date it whenever I can, (which is like almost everyday, js) or like, once a week? two, is this story  going somewhere? i feel like it's not, but i already have how i want this to end and stuff ;-; . well idk but heres yet another chapter :)


Waking up the next morning with Lucy in my arms frightened me, but then I remembered yesterday. I smiled to myself, and then looked down at her. I noticed she was already looking at me, so I smile again. "Well good morning." I said while kissing her forehead. "Good morning!" She laughed, making me jump a little. She sat up in bed, and slipping her feet in her pink bunny slippers. They were my favorite. I eyed her as she walked over to the stereo, and put in her iPod. Lost In Stereo by All Time Low came on. "Really?" I question her choice of music. "What?" She pouted, "Don't you like them?" I sat up and shrugged. "Not really." I got up and headed for the door. "Well, that won't be your opinion for long." She smirked and turned it on full blast before running to the door and locking it. 

I laughed at her child-like mind, and walked over to her. "You'll wake my parents." She ducked my kiss, making me kiss the door. Not that tasty, by the way. "No, I won't." I raise an eyebrow. "I checked the house before you woke up. You know, you're a really heavy sleeper." She laughed, making me laugh with her. "C'monnnnnnnn," I dragged on, "I don't mind your music, but can't you put something like, Sleeping With Sirens at least?" She walked over to the bed and sat. "No." 

"You're very stubborn!" I gasp, dramatically and smile afterwards. She pokes out her tongue as she sees me walk over to the stereo. 

Switching our iPods, I played a song that Mike put in my iPod as a dare from Jaime. 

"Justin Bieber?" She giggled. "I thought you hated him? And thought that his music was 'disgusting'?" She put air quotes around disgusting. 

Which was true. I did hate him. I hated how he was so talented, and good looking. How he was so lucky. But I didn't like his music. Pop. It didn't really fit my standards. But eh. After listening to it a couple times, this one song didn't seem so bad. I decided to keep it. 

Your love is like a rollercoaster.

The way that you take my breath away,

It feels like I’m slowly falling deeper and deeper, deeper and deeper.

I started walking over to her in almost a pedofile way. She looked confused. "Uh, Vic? You okay?" 

Both of my eyebrows raised this time, and a smile appeared on my lips. My hand extended to take hers. What the fuck am I doing? I thought. I ran over to her and picked her up by her waist. She yelped, since I took her by surprise. "Vic!" She squealed, almost pig like. "Yes, my dear?" I didn't know what I was saying. I guess I kinda wanted to impress her, or act like a prince, or seem, sexy? I wasn't sure. "Put me down!" She gasped. "Shit, sorry?" I questioned as I put her down. 

"Victor Fuentes, you ever pick me up like that again and I will make sure you'll never be able to have children." She glared before she laughed and punched my arm. Hard. "Ow." I pouted. "Oh, suck it up." 

"And this is why I like you." I mumbled while smiling to myself and letting her out.


"And this is why I like you." He mumbled before he let me out the room.

"What?" I stopped and looked at him. He looked down, hoping I didn't see the blush on his face. "Oh, it was uh, nothing." I laughed at how awkward he was feeling and acting. "Vic, I heard you. I was just making sure I heard the right thing. I mean, it's nothing to be ashamed of..right?" His head shot up, and he was shaking it so fast, I thought it would fall off. "Oh, oh oh, baby, of course not," Wait, did he just call me, 'baby'? I shook my head. "I mean, we're in a relationship, and I really like you, I can't deny it since I really, really do. And plus, I only said it was nothing 'cause I'd feel stupid," he was rambling. "Vic! I was joking," I laughed, "I was joking, calm down, okay?" He nodded. "Let's go eat." I walked out the room with Vic, and he looked at our now entertwined fingers. I smiled. He stated walking, but I pulled him back. "I didn't say just yet," I said as I kissed his really soft lips.

Being Vic, he smile into the kiss before kissing back. We both pulled away when we were in deep need for air. Which oddly enough, was at the same time. That made me happy. I didn't know why, and I sure as hell wasn't going to question it. "Bacon?" I look at him. "No, I was actually thinking of something else." 

Before I knew it, I was back in the room. He smiled. "No! I know that smile, and no." I yelled as I laughed and ran off to the bed, hopping on it. "Come on. Come hereeeee." He dragged on. I frowned as I got off the bed and walked over to the boy. 


She stood in the middle of the room, next to me, smiling and looking my eyes. "Let's go out to breakfast, yeah?" I said as I rubbed circles on the back of her hands with my thumbs. She looked over to the clock. "It's 2:36, Vic." I frowned. "Well then lunch." I tried to be persistant. She groaned. "You know, Victor, this isn't how you properly ask a girl on a first date." She laughed at the end. 

God, I loved when she used my whole name. I ignored her last sentence and grabbed her waist, pulling her on me.  I was leaning in for a kiss when she ducked and got loose from my hold. 

"Yaknow, usually when your boyfriend leans in for a kiss, the girlfriend is supposed to kiss him back." I said. "Sorry," she shrugged, "I have to get ready." I sighed, grabbing my outfit for the day. "Why?" I probably sounded really bitchy, but I was hungry and angry she didn't kiss me. She smirked at me. "I have a date. That is, if you're still up to your offer." She winked. 

I couldn't stand when she did that either. I wanted her really bad at this point. But I also knew what she wanted. She wanted me to kiss her, or try to kiss her again. "Yes, yes I am. I'm a man of my word." And with that, I walked out the room, walked over to the bathroom and began to change. 

A/n(2); okay. i know this is different but wattpad deleted half my story so im so sorry okay, but hate me. but vote/comment? cx

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