This Is My Imagination.

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I didn't know how to ask Lucy. I mean, what if I got turned down? Or..laughed at? I couldn't face her then. It'd be too awkward. 

Anyways, it's Saturday morning, and I was talking to Mike, even if he liked her also. 

"I just..I don't know how to ask her without getting turned down." I sigh and look at my younger brother. "Vic, c'mon! You're a Fuentes, and Fuentes men never get rejected." He laughed. "I don't think that that's the only thing bothering me. I mean, what if we don't work out? Where would she stay, it would be too weird to have her around. What if something happens? What if she moves too fast, what if move to fast? She'd feel like-" I was cut off. "Vic! Shut up, man," he laughed, "look, you found that note. You will not get turned down, and you most certainly not screw everything up. If anything happens, we're here. She'll stay with a friend, or you'll both stop being dicks and stay friends. I mean, sure it'll feel weird living with your new girlfriend, but who cares? You'll get to see her whenever you want." He shrugged it off and walked away. I thought about it, honestly. And I thought that it was now or never. 

I sighed and got up fom the couch, walking up the stairs to my- I mean, our room. 

I knocked. "Who is it?" "Me." I reply. "Come in," she giggled. What was so funny? I shake my head and walk in. "Hey, Luce, you got a minute? She sat up and nodded, while giving me the 'one second' finger. "Hold on, Amber? I'll call you right back. Vic needs to talk to me." I heard something like 'Oh, you go girl!' but I couldn't really make it out. 

"What's wrong?" I walk over to the bed and sit down, facing her. "Well," I take her hands in mine, and smile. "I needed to talk to you about, us." I look at her and she makes a confused face. "If you don't mind, that is. I don't mind." She smiles and holds my hands. "Go ahead." I look at her and smile again. "Okay, well, I've known you for like four months now, and I've talked to all the guys, and I've told them that I've developed some feelings for you, which aren't bad feelings, I hope. But, it's just that you make me so happy, and I don't even know why, because we aren't dating, we're actually really good friends, which makes me nervous to ask if you'll be my girlfriend, because I don't want to ruin what we have now. Besides, even if you did decide to accept me, which would probably blow my mind because I'm noting compared to you, but if you did, I know we'd last a while, since we're such good friends." I look at her as she takes in all this information. I kind of hoped I was talking to fast for her to understand. It was either that or get rejected. 


As soon as Vic finished his very, very long sentence, I couldn't help but smile. I mean, I knew I liked him, and that he liked me, but I didn't know that he actually felt this way about us, or me. 

I sorta realized I didn't reply when my hands fell on my lap and Vic got off the bed. "Sorry. Sorry I shouldn't have said that. I'm so stupid, sorry." He mumbled while walking out the door. 

"No, Vic wait!" I call while running after him and making him fall when I attacked him. He rolled over on his back, "Wait for what?" He whispers. "You don't feel the same way, it's okay. Lucy, I understand." His eyes were filled with disapointment, which made me want to kiss him more, but I had control. 

Actually, no I didn't. 

I grabbed his face and crashed his lips with mine, and it was everything I hope it would be. I mean, I was being really forward, but I didn't really care. I waited four months to do that, and I finally had the chance. When we seperated, he asked, "Does this mean yes?" I bit my bottom lip and nodded. "Shouldn't jump to conclusions so quickly, huh?" I could see him start to blush, so I got off and offered my hand to pull him up. 


When I saw her hand being offered to pull me up, I mentally shook my head and tugged her down with me while smirking. "Lay down with me, real quick." I rolled on my side, looking in her green eyes. "Fine, but lets go to the bed? The floors hard." She laughs. 

"Beep, beep dicks. I'm coming through." Mike yells as he steps over us with a plate full of food. He looks back and winks, mouthing, 'I told you so.' Was he spying on us? I shook my head and got up, reaching out my hand to pull her up. "Beat you to dinner." I laughed. "You're on, Fuentes." She began running down the stairs, getting a head start. "Oh no, you don't!" I yelled running after her. 

A/N: sorry i stopped there! i ran out of ideas, plus it's 11:25 pm and i haven't slept in two days so kinda brainwassshhed cx but yeah. it's short, kinda ;-; anyways, vote/comment?(:

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