All That We've Been Through, That's Why I Love You.

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I ran to the car, not ever caring to buckle up. I stuck the keys in the ignition and pulled out the driveway.

"Fuck!" I yelled when I realized I didn't know where I was going. I pulled over and hit my hands and head on the steering wheel.

They say that love is forever, your forever is all that I need.

"Hell-hello?" Why was I stuttering? "Vic, it's me, Lucy." She laughed. "Where are you?" I asked. It was silent for a minute. "I have to go, I love you?" I thought before I replied. "Lucy, why was that a question? You know damn well that I know that you love me." The other side went dead. "Fuck!" I repeated and hit my head againest the seat. I turned the car back on and sped down the street, back home.

When I arrived, I walked straight inside. "Call Adam. Now." Mike nodded and called. 

"Hey? Adam? Yeah, buddy, Vic needs you here. Like now." I heard him as I walked upstairs to the bedroom. I opened the door and I couldn't help but smile. Isabella and Mike were sleeping in our bed. "They mssed you guys," I turned around to see Jenna and Jaime standing there, waiting me watch the kids. "They take after Lucy you know?" I tilted my head. "What do you mean?" Jenna grinned. "You remember that pillow that Luce has you sleep on every night? Well, it's in between then, they thought it smelled like you and both wanted it." Jaime walked over to them and pulled the cover higher. "They fought for fifteen minutes before falling asleep." 

I couldn't help but smile. "Vic!" I heard Adam call. I ran downstairs. "Adam!" I smiled again. "What's wrong?" I frowned again. "Lucy," I started, choked down a sob, and closed my eyes, inhaling deeply before talking again, "S-she left, and I need your help." He nodded and I explained my plan.

*Mike's pov.*

I sighed and walked up to my room, and fell down on the bed. It was all my fault. I shouldn't have let Lucy go. Now Vic's down stairs, heartbroken, probably going to go back to cutting, and then stopping again, because of me. It's always about me. C'mon, Mike! Do something for your brother, dichead! He's done so much for you. Don't let him down now. 

Why can't I get that out of mind?

It's all my fault. Fuck my safety, I'm getting back my brother's life, no matter what.

I got up and ran down stairs. I grabbed my car keys and ran out the door. "I'm coming, Lucy. Hold on." I whispered as I backed out the driveway. I called her phone, no answer. I called again, no answer. Again, still the same. "Fuck." I mumbled as I stepped on the gas pedal harder. I didn't know where I was driving, but hey, the worse that could happen was him killing her..right?

I was at a red light, growing more and more impatient. 

It's Mike, I'm on the road or busy, leave a message at the beep. 

"Mike." Why did it seem so hushed? I picked the phone up and pulled over to the side."Lucy!"  "Mike, I saw you calling, but she was with me..she-she left now, but I don't know how mucy longer Andy can keep me safe. Shi- I gotta go!" 

"What?! Lucy where are you?!" The other side went silent. 

I groaned and pulled back to the road, making a large u-turn, getting yells and fingers from other cars. Oh well, it was nothing new. I was way over the speed limit, but I couldn't seem to go slower. After about ten short minutes, I was at where I wanted to be. 

"Uh, hi. I'm here to file a report of a stolen person." The cop looked at me. She murmered something under her breath. "Excuse me? What did you say?" She looked at my body, my arms and then my face. "Freak." She smiled and walked away. I nodded and frowned. Sure those comments aren't supposed to hurt you, unless you know it's not true, but they did. But I couldn't wait anymore.

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