You're just wasted & thinking about the past again. Darling you'll be okay.

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~~~Lucy's POV~~~

When we got back to his place, he introduced me to his parents and told me that'd I would bunk with him in his room. I hesitated for a while, telling him to take me to the park. "I'll be okay." I kept saying. "Don't worry." I tried to convince him. He wouldn't buy it. Not that I didn't appreciate this so much. But while we were talking, I lied to him; and I didn't want to keep lying to him. My parents did die, but my aunt didn't kick me out. I don't even have an uncle. My aunt came home drunk, and that's the way my parents died. Drunk driving. A drunk driver hit the car, making it flip over and killing my parents. Ever since then, I haven't been a big fan of drinking, which is why I can't stay with Vic. He's stoned. His brother, Mike, his friends, Jaime and Tony, they're all drunk. And they'll probably get drunk in the future too. 

"I have to be out by tomorrow morning. I have work." He told me. 

"Alright," I said walking in his room. When I look around, it's nothing like I imagined. It was clean, but not too clean like neat freaks, big and colorful. Skateboards all over the place, beanies, fake tattoos that come off after a week or so, a big pillow, and posters all over his walls. (A/N: I'm not really sure, in fact i highly doubt his room is like this so don't kill me.) I was truly amazed.

His voice broke me from my thoughts. 

"Sorry for the mess." he says. "This is what you call a mess?" I start laughing. He looks at me confused. He starts walking towards me, picking up clothes. "Well yeah. There's clothes all over the place!" He chuckles. "Oh, you want to see a mess? Go look at my ro-" I stopped remembering what happened. I puffed and told him that it wasn't a mess. He agreed, probably to stop fighting with me, and said good night. "Where are you going?" I ask. Vic looked at me strangely. "To take a shower and then off to the couch for me." He smiled and grabbed a towel. I walked over to the door. "Why?" "Why what?" He asked. "Why are you sleeping on the couch?" He walks back in the room. "Where else would I sleep? With you in my bed?" He laughs and licks his lips. "Well yeah." I say softly while turning around, hoping he didn't hear me. After a half hour or so of laying in his baggy sweats and t-shirt, I hear the door open. 

"Lucy?" He whispers. I get up. "Yeah?" I say a bit too loud. "Shh!" He laughs and jumps on the bed. "Why are you wet?" I whisper. "I just got out the shower." He explains. "Oh. Well what are you doing here?" I ask as he's trying to get under the covers. "You said you wanted me to sleep in my bed with you." I felt the red rush up my cheeks and ears. "Oh stop blushing. I won't do anything." He's finally under the cover and turned to the side, facing me. "Good night!" He says while smiling. I nod and head towards the door. "Where are you going?" He sits up. "Bathroom," I reply. 

I go to the downstairs bathroom and grab a lighter. I take my bobby pin and set the flame next to it. I then press it againest my skin and hold back a yelp. I mean, that was the first time I've ever cut with a bobby pin and fire. It's always been a razor or safety pin. I started when I was in the seventh grade. I got bullied and teased. I even got a death note for dating some guy. He was a real jerk anyways. I put my bobby pin in my hair and the lighter in my pocket. I flush the toliet, to make it seem real, and unlock the door. I shut the light off and bumped into a chest. 

"Owww." I heard someone say. "Ouch." I whisper to myself. "Lucy?" Vic says. "Aw. What are you doing down here? We have a bathroom upstairs you know." He turned the light on and helps me up. "I know, but I didn't want to make a sound so your parents could wake up." He laughs and sniffs. "Do I smell fire?" He looks at me, I shrug. He walks in the bathroom and sniffs again. "Lucy, why does the bathroom smell like fire?" His eyes widen. "I don't know!" He looks at me and he looks mad. "Are you smoking?!" Now it's time for my eyes to get big. "What?!" I scream. "Shhhh!" He reminds me again. "Sorry." I shrug again. "Lucy, let me see your wrist." I shake my head in disagreement. "I don't like people touching me." I simply state. "Yeah well, I'm not people." He grabs my wrist. Looking up and down, he asks, "Where is it?" "Where is what?" 

He steps away one or two steps. He looks up and down. His eyes land on my thighs. "Let me see your legs." I look at him stupidly. "What? Why?" "Just tell me where it's at!" He yells.

His brother comes running down, with his parents behind him. "What's going on here?" Mike asks. 

"Nothing, I was just leaving." I push Vic through to get to the door. I walk out and slam the door a bit too hard. I stop at the door and I fall to the ground, crying. I lean my back on the door and put my palms on my face, and my elbows on my knees. I hear the door open.  "Lucy. Lucy dear come inside. C'mon. Let's go." I feel hands on my shoulders and hear a woman's voice. I get up and follow her to the couch. "What happened?" Vic's dad asked me. I look around to see Vic isn't there. Mike sat down next to me. "Nothing." My voice came out really little. Their mom sat down on the other side of me. "Lucy, where do you live? C'mon I'll take you home." 

"She doesn't have one," we hear from the steps. "Vic, honey, what?" His mom asks. 

"Lucy," he says while coming the steps, "doesn't have a home." He repeats. His parents and Mike look at me. "What?" They all say in unison. "Well, I might as well tell you all the truth." I get up from the couch and look at them all. Vic's standing while his father took my place. Vic's face was a bit surprised. "You see, my parents, they died from a drunk driver. Their car flipped over. And tonight, when my aunt came home drunk, I couldn't take it anymore. I just left. All I took was my phone." 

I look at them all and they look really surprised and sorry. "But please, don't try to make me go home. I won't. I'll just sleep on the park bench and I'll be fine. I'll get a job and find an apartment. I'll be fine. Really." I fake a smile and try to walk for the door. Their dad stops me. "Oh no, pretty girl. You're staying here until your aunt calls or you're ready. Until then, you'll have to bunk with one of the boys. Your pick." I look at him like he's crazy. He leans close to me, "Just so you know, Mike's kind of, loud and he has anger management problems." Mr. Fuentes whispers and I laugh. "I heard that you know." I hear Mike say. "She can stay with me." I hear Vic sigh. I look over to him and he smiles. 

"Well then, get upstairs and get back to sleep, everyone!" Mrs. Fuentes says. I walk over to Vic, which is by the steps. His hand reach over to take mine and I take it. He leads us up the stairs and in the room. "Goodnight Lucy." "Goodnight Vic." 

idk this chapter idk ok idk. but maybe lets get at least 1 vote and 1 comment? c;

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