Choke, Tried To Wash You Down With Something Strong.

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Lucy's been staying here for almost four months now, and things seem to be getting normal for her. She's not so shy around us anymore. My family and I, we seem to know the real her, and may I add, she's perfect. 

I'm pretty sure that she has Mike and Tony falling head over heels for her, but they won't say anything, knowing that I like her. I had figured that out in the first two weeks of her sleeping in my bed with me. We haven't done anything, and that's okay. I don't want to ruin this thing we have. It's not a relationship, but it's more than a friendship. It's just that she makes me so happy. 


It's Monday morning, and Vic's parents have kindly offered to enroll me in school. I was excited and all, but I was nervous at the same time. I started today and it made some weight come off my shoulders knowing that Vic would be in most of my classes. Jaime would be in one, Tony and Mike in the others. The part that threw me off about this school, was that they didn't seperate us by grades, and age. They did it by intelligence. No one knew why, and they certainly didn't question it either. 

Anyways, I was the first one up, so I decided to make breakfast for everyone. Walking downstairs in my pj's and bunny slippers, I go over to the fridge and take out the eggs and bacon. I didn't like either, so I settled for Lucky Charms. 

Finishing up, I poured orange juice for everyone in cups, and decided to clean up. Grabbing the eggs, orange juice and remaining bacon, I pulled the fridge door open and put everything away. I closed the door and yelped in fear. Vic was standing behind the door, waiting to scare me. I have to admit, it certainly worked. 

"Dick." I mumbled under my breath and called for everyone to wake up. I heard him smirk, and felt his hands around my waist. "Am I still a dick?" He asked, smiling. "Yes, now get off. I have to get ready, and you have to eat." I turned around, laughing. He pouted. As I walked up the stairs, I saw Mike running down, and yelling, "Bacon, bacon, bacon!" I continued as I turned to see him almost trip down the steps, running to the kitchen. "Doofus!" I called behind him. He grinned from where he was standing. 

I was finishing getting ready, putting on my makeup and styling my hair, when a knock came from the other side of the door. "Who is it?" I called. "Vic." I sighed and walked over to the door, letting him. "You're ready, already?" I gasped, playing around. It took Vic forever to get ready for something. "Yeah, big shocker, right?!" He played along, as he sat on the bed. "Mhm." I said as I finished my makeup. He looked over at me. "You know, Luce, you don't need that. You're beautiful without it, and believe me, I've seen you crying." I look over at him, confused. "Vic, what does me crying have to do with makeup?" I asked, hating that he was talking about the past, or more importantly, me crying. He stood up and walked over to me, putting down my makeup, "I mean, I've seen you with mascara and eyeliner running down your cheeks. I know you won't believe me, but you look better with out it." I looked at him and simply picked it up again. "Maybe so, but not on my first day in school." He sighed, pouted, and started for the door. "We're leaving in 10." 


Driving to school, I was still irritated that Lucy didn't believe that she didn't need makeup, but that soon left after I saw her face when she saw the building. It looked like a lost puppy, or a little kid's when they thought they saw a monster under the bed. It made me want to hug her and tell her that it would be alright. But in all honesty, our high school was the least place to feel comfortable. People got judged left and right, like it was a rule. Though, our school had a very strict rule about bullying, which I knew made her feel a little safer. I pulled up to my usual parking spot, near the back door. 

"At the end of the day, we meet here. You got it? If one of us is going to be late, we let the other know. Alright?" She nodded. "Kay." I smiled, she returned, although it was forced. I looked in her eyes and sighed, quite more loud then I hoped for. "Lucy, you'll be fine! You'll have someone all day, plus the teachers will help you out even more. C'mon, don't worry about it." I pushed her towards the school and walked by her side. Mike usually carpooled with Jaime and Tony, I never knew why. But hey, I didn't really mind. 

The day passed by rather slow, but for Lucy, it seemed quite fun. "I made a ton of friends today!" She squealed as we buckled our seatbelts. "I know! I told you that you had no reason to worry, right?" She nodded and smiled. I could tell it wasn't forced. "Your smile is beautiful. Your real one that is." I said. She looked at me for a moment, and then she reached over and hugged me. As I drove home, all I could hear was about how her day went and how she would thank my parents all night for signing her up and so much more. 

"We're home," I said, putting the car in park and taking my keys. She ran out and yelled for my parents. I laughed at myself and unbuckled my seat belt, noticing a note. "Must've fallen out of her pocket," I mumbled to myself, knowing no one was around to hear me. Wow, this girl is making you talk to youself, Vic. Be careful. I wasn't sure why I thought that, I mean, I knew I liked her. I knew she liked me. So why was I questioning it? I sighed as I grabbed the note, unfolding it and reading what was on it. 

N: So, cutie. Are you seeing anyone?

L: Nah, it's kind of complitcated. You?

N: Oh, well, I'm sure he'd understand? I mean, I'm sure a guy that makes you wait this long has got to be an ass. Look at your precious self. What do you say? 

L: I guess, yeah. But no, I'd rather wait for him. See where he leads us. Sorry. (:

N: Okay, but I'm letting you know, I'm not waiting forever. It's now or never. 

I smiled at that. I sat in the car, thinking. It must have been a long time, because Mike tapped on the window, "Dude, Mom made dinner. C'mon!" I got out the car and smiled. I had made a mental pros and cons list of asking her out. To be official. 

And I'm proud to say, that I'm making 'us' official. 


A/N: omfg. sorry i took 2 months to update, but i completely forgot I was writing. I mean i suck lol :( but anyways, i said i was updating like 3 days ago, but i couldn't because i didn't have internet! im so so sorry. but i hope you like this chapter and continue to read the chapters as i write them. 

maybe 2 votes and comments? c: no need for them, it's just they keep me motivated. 

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