She Was Always The One.

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fml guys, im so sorry. i wrote this chapter and then it came unresponsive and it didn't save and ugh. sorry. 

"Lucy?" I call as I turned off the stove and walked in the living room. "Yeah, babe?" She looked up at me from where she was laying on the couch. "You look pretty upside down." I pointed out. "But, aren't the babies supposed to be out today?" She sat up quickly. "Their due date is the 26th." I smiled, "Today is the 26th." Her eyes got wide. "Call everyone!" I laughed and sat down next to her. "I'll call them, you just sit and relex, alright? I'll go pack the suitcase, and everything. Just stay calm." I kissed her forehead before walking upstairs and calling my parents. I needed advice, and fast. 

"Vic? Vic, are you alright?" 

"Yeah, Mom, it's me. I just-I need advice." She was silent.

"Alright, I'll be over in a few." I thanked her and hung up. 

I finished calling everyone else, and then I began to pack the suitcase. 

When I got downstairs, Lucy asked me what was in it. I smiled as I sat down next to her. "A pair of your favorite black, ripped skinny jean, your favorite band shirt, Suicide Silence, two of the baby blankets we got," Someone cut me off. "Vic, she's going to be in the hosptial for a couple days, don't you think she'll need sweatpants instead of jeans?" Lucy nodded her head and bit her lower lip. "Alright, I'll go get them, it's not a problem, it's okay." I mumbled as I walked up the steps. 

As I was coming down, I heard Lucy talking about me. I stopped on the third step and listened.

"It's his pillow, but whenever I go somewhere that he can't be with me every second, I take it 'cause it smells like him." I smiled. "It smels like sweat." Jaime pointed out. Mike stepped in, "Yeah, he sweats a lot when he sleeps." They all laughed. "It's cute how you like the smell of sweat," Tony added. "And he lets you?" Jenna asked. I metally saw Lucy nod her head. "So then whose the man in the relationship?" Mike asked. My smiled faded and turned into a frown. They all laughed again. "What's keeping him so long?" Lucy asked after they all stopped. "Vic?" I heard her call and walked over to the living room. 

"Got them." I said as I stuffed them in the suitcase. 


It was the next morning and Lucy still didn't go in labor. "No, I insist, Lucy, stay here. I'll go get them." I groaned and rolled my eyes at the sound of Mike's voice this early in the morning. In my house. 

You see, with me being twenty, and him being two years younger than me, my parents wouldn't let him move out. And no matter who you asked, they'd agree. "Weed and drinking." I slippd on my slippers. "Coming in at five in the morning." I groaned as I put on my robe. "Telling my little babies that it's alright to beat anyone you don't like up." I shook my head as I walked down stairs. 

"What are you doing here?" I spat. "You weren't up, so I thought I should keep Lucy company until you were up. Plus, I thought that she could use breakfast, and considering you can't cook." He laughed. Lucy stood up and waddled over to me and Mike. "If you put your hands on here," she started as she grabbed our hands, "you can feel them kick." She smiled. "Wait, you're not feeling any pain?" I asked. She shook her head and walked over to the kitchen. She came back with milk. 

I called my mom again, and we were waiting for her to get here. 

"So, Lucy has no pain?" My mom asked as I gave her tea. Lucy shook her head. "Honey," My mom rubbed my arm, "I think we should take her to a doctor." I stood up. "But you are one." 

"I'm not that kind of doctor, Victor. You know that." I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. "I know, I know. I'm sorry, it's just I'm scared that-that," my mouth got dried and I couldn't speak. "It's alright," Lucy came over to me. "I'm scared too." My mom looked at both of us, and then at Mike, who hadn't said anything since she came. "C'mon, let's go to the hospital." 

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