This Is A Wasteland; My Only Retreat.

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A/n; sorry it's late 😭& I'm on my iPod so idk how long it is lol k. But I really hope you like it because it took me all day :3

It's been a week since the "breakup" and Jaime's been more then nice. He's been with me every step of the way and I couldn't ask for a better friend.

"Vic," someone whispered. "Vic!" I groaned and rolled over. "What?!" I realized it was Mike. He sighed and flopped on the bed. "Man, it's been a week. You have to get out the bed." Rolling my eyes, I turned myself over again. "Shut up and leave me alone," I mumbled into the pillow. It was silent for a moment. "Where's Jaime?" I looked up at Mike. "He went home to get clothes and said that if you weren't out of bed by the time he got back then he'd pick you up and wash you up." I laughed. "There's that smile!" Mike exclaimed and jumped up and down pointing at my face.

"C'mon," he pulled my arm and dragged me out the room.

"Where are we going?" I groan.

"To take a shower." He replies. I shake him off and grab clothes. "Fine! But when I come out, I expect food on the table."

"I'm not your wife. I'm not going to make you food." Mike said sternly. I lifted my hands up. "I won't shower."

"I hate you."

I smiled and went to get clean.

When I got out, I smelled something really good, which knew it wasn't just Mike and me in the house anymore. He couldn't cook very well.

"Mike! Whose here?" I called as I ran down the stairs.

I got no reply.

Reaching the end of the steps, I saw a lady I had never seen before and Jaime.

"Uhm, with all due respect, who are you?" She smiled and got up to shake my hand.

"Hi, I'm Lucy's aunt, Jenna." She smiled again.

"Oh, hi, I'm Victor, the one who found Lucy." I smiled weakly at her name.

"Yeah, she told me that." Everyone looked at her in confusion.

"What do you mean, 'she told you that'?" Mike stepped in our conversation.

"She didn't tell you? She came back home after a 'big fight' with her boyfriend."

I coughed. "Ex boyfriend." She looked up from looking at my shoes and smiled once more. "Right."

I remembered she was still standing and told her that she could sit. "Thanks." She replied as she sat down on the couch.

Jaime came back from the kitchen and spoke up. "So, if this isn't like, rude or anything, why are you here?" We all laughed at his choice of words. He looked embarrassed but smiled anyways.

Lucy's aunt stood back up before talking. "Lucy...she wanted me to let you all know that she's in the hospital."

There went my heart again.




Was all that came out our mouths.

"Well, she was riding her bike, to clear her mind about hurting this, 'ex boyfriend' she apparently had, and a man in a car shot her. He confessed that he missed his actual target after calling the cops, and that he'd pay her hospital bill. The doctors don't know where the bullet hit."

"When-when did this happen?" I asked as I stumbled to find the couch and take this all in. Jaime rushed next to me and rubbed his hand up and down my back, trying to reassure me.

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