How Will You Find Yourself, When Your Hand To Hold Is Letting Go?

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"She's awake." 

Everyone's eyes were still on me, and my heart sped up so much that I had to sit down. "I.." I paused. I looked at Mike and then my mom. "I can't go see her. I don't know what I'll do if she doesn't remember me." I saw Tony nod and walk over to me, sitting down. "We'll be there to help you. We'll all do as much as we can to help her remember everything and one. I promise." He smiled and lightly hit my leg before pulling me in a hug. "Is it.." I stopped again once Tony let go of me. Everyone's eyes focused on me again. "What is it, honey?" My mom asked. My eyes went directly to the floor. "Is it possible to hate yoursef for something that wasn't your fault, your decision?" All of them looked at each other and no one dared to say anything. Tony spoke up again. "Of course it is, but, it's not right to. And plus, Lucy wouldn't want you to hate yourself for something she did." I nodded, taking in his words, my eyes still on the floor. "Uh, one more thing." I looked up at Jenna. "Do-do you think that we can go after everyone else?" She looked at Jaime, he nodded and rolled his eyes while laughing. Jenna looked back at me and grinned. "Sure." 

Everyone left, leaving Jenna and I on the couch alone. "How are you so calm during this?" I asked after a long silence. She looked at me in confusion before nodding and turning to face me. "I'm not." She admitted. "Look, Vic, you love her, I understand that, and I'm over the mood happy for the both of you, but I actually grew up with her. I was there when her parents died. I was the only one there for her until you and the guys came along." I sighed. "Can you get to the part that helps me act like I'm not dying on the inside?" She smiled and nodded. "Gimme your hands." She demanded. I eyed her carefully, but did as I was told. "Okay, close your eyes." Once again, I did was I was told. "Good, now tell Lucy you love her." I opened my eyes and took my hands back. "How is that supposed to help?" Jenna shook her head and shushed me. "Do it." I knew that it would be best to just do whatever she said. I gave her my hands and closed my eyes again. 

"I love you, Lucy." I whispered. I felt Jenna shake her head. "Louder." 

"I love you, Lucy." I repeated, louder this time. "Tell the whole world how much you love her."

"I love her more than anything could explain. No words, or actions or thoughts or messages from the galaxy could explain how much I love her." Jenna let go of my hands and slapped my face, lightly, but it still hurt. "Ow?!" She laughed. "Okay, now for part two. Lay down." She got up and put a pillow on my legs. "Try to reach the pillow, but you can't get up. You must remain laying down. You're allowed to move your legs closer, but that's it." I nodded and grabbed the pillow. She grabbed it and threw it across the room. "Can you get it now?" I shook my head. "Am I allowed to get up?" Jenna shook her head. I groaned and sat up. "How is this helping me?" All she did was put on a sly smile on her face. "The first time, when the pillow was on your legs, you did whatever you could to get it back, right?" I nodded, confused. "The second time, when it was across the room, you were stuck in a predicament, correct?" I nodded again. "Well, that should help you realize that sometimes when you really want something, it can't always come to you in a matter or form that you want." I thought about it for a minute. 

"So you're saying that even though I couldn't hold or touch the pillow, it was still with me?" Jenna nodded. "Right. It's soul was still with you." I nodded once I understood her weird ways. "Great, final part before we go see Lucy." My eyes watered at the name, and I guess Jenna saw before she pulled me in for a hug. "C'mon, last part then you won't stop talking about her until we see your girl lover." I smiled, or tried to, and nodded. "I'm ready." Jenna nodded and held my hands again. "Tell me that you love Lucy." I nodded, "I love Lucy." Jenna fliped my hands over, and put on lotion, or what I guessed to be lotion. "What's your favorite smell?" I was so confused on why she needed to know this. "Uh, I guess, pumpkin spice." I looked at Jenna and she smiled. "Why?" I sighed. "Really?" She nodded. "Okay, well, uh, it's the way Lucy always smells after she takes a bath when she's had a long day or we have an argument." Jenna's grin died down a bit, but it soon returned. "Great. Smell your hands, and think about Lucy." I did what I was told. "And now?" She bit her lip. "Think of your favorite memory of Lucy." I nodded, "Done." Jenna took my hands and rubbed them together, inbetween hers. "Think of your least favorite." I sighed and rolled my eyes but did as I was told. "Done." 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2013 ⏰

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