~Chapter 2~ Alison

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"What the hell do you mean Danielle broke up with Liam for Zayn?" I whisper shouted angrily.

Zayn was so sweet last time I saw him! He even had a girlfriend! Did he break up with her? Zayn, you idiot. Why?

"Shh! Liam doesn't know!" Harry whispered. "And I'm not sure if its true. I'm sure that Zayn wouldn't date her even if he wanted to. Just please promise you won't tell, Al."

He stuck out his lower lip and tried to give his best puppy face.

"I can't promise," I growled.

"Come on, Al. Please promise," Sam said.

Of course Sam is taking side of Harry. Always did. Always will it seems. I bet she'd even take his side if he wanted to jump off the building. I didn't understand why.

"I won't tell Liam," I finally agreed. There's no point in trying to argue with both Harry and Sam.

"Tell me what?" Liam asked, walking in. He let a weak smile show as his red puffy eyes looked at us curiously.

We all looked at each other as if we could read each other's minds for ideas. Sam came up with something in a few seconds.

"Ali fancies you!" She said quickly.

I felt my face get hot with anger. I gave her a hateful glare and held my breath, holding in my angry screams.

"Oh, uh," Liam stuttered.

"Woah," Harry muttered. A long and awkward silence followed.

"Well, I'm going to find a room," I said quietly, and breaking the silence. Liam nodded and stood there not taking his eyes off of the arm chair. He was thinking. What was he thinking about?

"I'll come with you," Sam said.

"No, no, it's fine," I said through gritted teeth.

"No, I insist," she gave me a 'let me go' smile.

"No!" I screamed before dashing off.

I found the nearest room and sat on the bed.

"Ali...open the door please," I heard Sam's quiet and soothing voice. "Please open the door."

I cuddled into a corner realising that there was a key on the top of the door outside of the bedroom. Maybe she wouldn't notice or think about it.

I looked around, my heart beating and looked for things to indicate who's room I was in. The room was definitely occupied.

Harry had mentioned over the phone that one of the boys had a room for themselves for when they came over, but I forgot which one. He said he was his best, best, best friend out of the whole group.

I knew his best friend was Louis, so I looked to indicate it was Lou's.

There were pictures of Harry and Louis together, some of them hugging, some of them just smiling. There were some of all of the boys together also.

There were underpants peeking out of his bed and I just chuckled. That didn't indicate anything. It just indicated that it was a guy's room.

Before going back to look for a room, I put a quick note on his bed next to a fluffy blue pillow,

'Hey Lou Bear!  

Sam is an idiot. 

I miss you lots! Love you! 


Alison x'

I drew a little heart on the bottom of the page and a little stick figure waving. I'm a artist! Haha no.

I creeped to the door and looked under the door for feet. Nothing.

I opened the door and rapidly ran through the long halls of the house. As I ran, I noticed this wasn't a house. It was a mansion.

"Hey! She's out of the room, Hazza! Lets go!" I heard Sam whisper.

I silently screamed and ran faster. I ran into the room of the next door I saw. I shut it behind me, locked it, and looked around.

I ran away, knowing that she'd talk to me. I was scared I might punch her. Why had she said I liked Liam? Why? Why? Why? She could've come up with something else!

All the room had was a desk, a bed, and a mirror the size of a large telly. The room was gigantic, and there were only about five pieces of furniture.

"She went this way," I heard Sam whispering.

"Why don't you just go find her. I'm going to go talk to-" Harry's voice.

"No. No. No. Come on. We both need to talk to her," Sam said eagerly. "She might stab me. I need a witness." I started to giggle, but stopped myself. I'm mad at her. She told Liam a HUGE lie.

I couldn't hide from them forever. I'm going to be in London for a while. I would have to face them at one point.

I opened the door and quickly made eye contact with Sam. She gave me a guilty smile and I looked to Harry.

He gave me an awkward grin. "Hi."

"Hey," I answered pressing my lips together awkwardly.

"Look, Ali, we need to talk," Sam started for my room.

"No!" I protested. "I won't talk to you."

"You're being so dramatic," Sam said, shutting the door as Harry stepped in also.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Look!" she shouted. "All you have to do, for Zayn's sake, is not tell. Just pretend to like Liam. For everyone. For Liam."

I considered this and then took a deep breath. "Harry?"

He looked at me. "Yeah?"

"Do you agree?" I asked, picking at my fingernails.

"Yes. I do, Al. It's for the best until we figure everything out. You have to go along with it. It's the only way to keep everyone on track. And having someone fancy Liam that's as beautiful as you, it'll make him feel better," Harry said in an emotional tone.

"Um..." I said.

It was difficult. I couldn't decide. I knew that if I didn't agree, there was a possibility that everyone would be in a big rage. But then, on the other hand, why did they need me to do it? I could just tell Liam they lied and make up a new lie.

But what lie?

Before I could stop myself, I blurted, "Okay. Fine."

They both gave me excited grins.

Right as they exploded in yays, I shouted, "Wait!"

They both stopped and looked at me, waiting for what I was about to ask.

"What about when we find out the truth about Danielle and Zayn? What do I tell Liam?" I asked.

They both searched each others' faces and gave a look of thinking.

"Well, we'll think of something," Sam offered, her Irish accent clear.

"Kay. This won't last long right?" I asked.

Harry shook his head. "I'll ask Zayn, after everything is settled in, and look for an answer. Everything'll be okay," he promised.

"Alright. So, we okay now, Al?" Sam asked giving me her best smile.

"Sure thing, babe," I answered shooting her a grin.

"Now what?" Harry asked.

"Well, I guess we go along with Ali fancying Liam..." Sam answered.

"Guess so," I said slowly.

This was going to take some good acting skills...

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