~Chapter 18~ Alison

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At the restaurant we had to choose who to sit with. Since there were eight of us, we had to sit at separate tables. I happened to be sitting by Louis, Eleanor, and my brother Harry. He sort of blew Sam off I guess.

As soon as the waitress left, I whispered to Harry, "Why don't you sit with Sam?"

He shrugged. "Since you've been here, we haven't spent much time together...so I just sat here next to you."

"Harry, you need to sit next to Sam. Switch seats with one of the other boys," I suggested. I pointed to Sam and the other boys who were all talking, but Sam looked a bit worried if I say so myself.

Harry gave me an unsure look and then shrugged. "Fine," he gave in.

I patted his shoulder with a smile, as a way of encouragement.

He got up and walked away, shoving Liam out of his seat and seating himself, not taking his green orbs off of Sam.

Liam gave a confused look at Harry and smoothed out his nice t-shirt before taking a seat next to me.

My heart stopped. No...no. No. No. This can't happen. Why did Harry switch with Liam? I'm trying to avoid Liam. I didn't want to sit next to him.

"Hey," he said.

My heart sank at his voice. I had fallen for Liam...and I couldn't stop myself. He had Danielle. Danielle was a lucky girl. My heart ached as I thought of their future. They would eventually get married, and they'd wake up to each other everyday, engulfing each other in a hug.

"Hi," I said, my voice almost cracking like my heart.

After a few minutes of silence between Liam and I, the waitress came.

"Hello, I'm Jessica, and I'll be your waiter today. Are you ready to order?" she asked. She seemed to have a positive attitude. I wish I could have one too.

"I'm ready to order," I answered.

She looked at me. Her piercing blue eyes shining brightly. "Yes?"

"I'll have the Double Breasted Chicken Fillet Wrap with medium spice with peri chips, and a Dr.Pepper. Oh! and five spicy wings. Thanks," I ordered to the young waitress.

Everyone looked at me as if it were a lot. I didn't give a crap. I was going to eat my heart out. I didn't care what the guy next to me thought about it. I was turning to food in my time of need.

Eleanor seemed to know what was going on because she looked at me with a look of pity.

After everyone ordered, Eleanor gave me a sad grin. "Join me in the bathroom, Alison?"

I nodded and got up, ignoring the looks Liam was giving me.

We grabbed Sam's arm and pulled her away from Harry. Harry looked at me with an unbelievable look. I shrugged as a way of saying sorry.

The three of us girls walked to the bathroom. Instead of making eye contact, I stared at the floor, waiting for their lectures. Sam already knew what was happening by the look on her face.

"Hey, you okay?" Eleanor asked.

I glanced up at her and nodded.

My whole chest hurt. Why do my feelings always get the best of me?

Sam stepped toward me. "Remember that time when you developed feeling for that Dave guy?"

I looked up at her and nodded, not sure what she was leading up to.

"Yeah?" I said, more like a question.

"Well, you only talked to him a few times! You fall too easily!" she spat.

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