~Chapter 19~ Alison

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As soon as we all got back to the house, Louis and Eleanor had to leave to do some errands. They both hugged everyone goodbye and then walked out, holding hands.

"So, what do you guys want to do?" Sam asked, looking at us waiting for an answer.

Harry put his arm around her and kissed her temple, making her grin and kiss his cheek back.

Niall sat on his phone, tweeting next to me, Liam was on his phone too, probably texting Danielle...and Zayn was at the kitchen counter spinning around in the chair.

"I don't know, but I need to talk to someone in here," Harry brought up.

My heart stopped. Was he going to talk to Zayn about Danielle? I still had to tell Harry and Sam about my feelings for Liam. Sure, they know I sort of like him, but I love him. As cheesy as it sounds, falling in love with your best friend is quite easy.

"ME!" I yelled.

Okay, that wasn't subtle...

Everyone looked at me with weird expressions and it made me feel really awkward. I felt exhausted. All of this Danielle stuff is not going away without a fight is it?

I stood up and motioned for Harry to follow. Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "Uh, Al...erm...I was going to talk to-"

"Me!" I cut him off.

There was no way he was going to talk to Zayn yet.

"I need to talk to Zayn!" he blurted out. My eyes widened. Yeah...he was going to talk to Zayn....

"Oh..sure, mate," Zayn said. Zayn and Harry stood and left, leaving me in the middle of the room, in the middle of Niall, Liam, and Sam. They all stared at me in confusion.

"That was odd," Liam murmured.

Instead of awkwardly standing there, I walked out of the room. I went to the washroom and sat on the floor.

Honestly, the least of my problems was the Zayn and Danielle thing...I had to deal with Liam and-

DING DONG! the door bell went off. The next thing I heard was Liam's voice.


My heart jumped out of its spot and then fell. Danielle.

* * *

Her high heels made staccato clicks with every step she took towards Liam. I stood in the hall astonished by what was happening.

He invited her? He knew I wouldn't be happy. Wait...did he...?

Yes, he did, a voice told me. He knows you like him!

Yes, but obviously I couldn't avoid her for two months...I said back to the small voice.

But you can...

No I can't.

I mentally slapped the voice and turned my attention to Sam who was giving me a concerned look. I gave her a subtle smile to put her at ease, although I wished I was at ease.

I felt jittery all over. My heart pounded in my chest as I saw Danielle and Liam kissing right in front of me. He slim body was pressed up against his muscular body. Her arms effortlessly wrapped around his neck as his hands stayed on her hips.

I decided to cheer myself up a bit and cover up my emotions. "Aw, get a room!"

I plastered a smile on my face and they split. They both looked at me. Danielle rolled her eyes and gave me a smile.

"Nice to see you again, Alison," she said.

"You too," I replied.

Just because I said it was nice to see her, it doesn't mean I necessarily like her. I can't help have a bitter feeling about Danielle.

I knew her months ago, but now I can't really stand to look at her without my heart dropping. She made Liam miserable, and I comforted him while she wasn't there. Then, when I felt as though I had a chance.

I was going to tell him how I felt...then he got that stupid text and it interrupted me. Danielle and Liam. Liam and Danielle. It ruined my chance.

Now, I had to avoid Liam. I wasn't going to be that evil person in those fairytales that ruin relationships. I couldn't. If I was in a room alone with Liam, I don't think I could stop myself from wanting to kiss him or tell him how I feel.

I couldn't be that person.

I would be known as the witch. And Danielle is the pretty princess. I'd be that ugly person that tries to steal the handsome prince, Liam. And I didn't approve of being an ugly witch.

Liam gave me a grin, not taking his hands of of Danielle's waist. I tried my best not to look directly at his hands. I tried to smile, but I was worried I looked scared.

Instead of saying anything, I walked right past the two and took a seat on the couch next to Niall.

He put his arm around me and I happily cuddled up next to him. He smelled of mint and a bit of cologne. I smiled at his scent. I was glad I had Niall to cuddle next to when I needed it.

He rubbed my back. "Did you talk to him?" he whispered.

I gave him a weird look and gestured toward Liam and Danielle. "Does it look like it?" I asked a little too harshly.

His face fell. I squeezed him lightly. "Sorry, Ni...I didn't mean to sound mean."

He shook his head. "It's fine...I can't imagine what you're going through. That must suck..."

I nodded and buried my head in his chest. "It does." My voice sounded muffled in his shirt.

Suddenly, he jumped up. He looked at me and gave me a bright smile. I smirked. "What?"

"Hey, why don't we go get some ice cream?"

I giggled. "Okay?"

He gave me a serious look. "I don't have to cheer you up."

I shook my head and smiled. "No no no..please do."

He held out his hand and I gladly took it. We strolled around everyone, sedately, looking like a prince and princess strolling to the middle of the ballroom, my hand in his.

Everyone looked at us like we were freaks but I just laughed as we exited the room. I couldn't help but notice Liam looking a bit confused.

At first, I thought Niall was taking me to the kitchen for ice cream, but he made a terse turn to the door.

"Wha-" I started.

"Shh!" he stopped me. He opened the door for me and I let go of his hand. I walked ou of the door and he came out right behind me.

I linked my arm with his and we walked down the patio and then down the sidewalk.

"Thanks, Ni," I said. "You're the best."

He nodded. "I know."

We both laughed.

He looked over at me and gave me a warm grin. "But seriously, I'd do anything for my little sis."

Speaking of siblings, where had Harry been in this time?

"Thanks..again," I said.

Man, I love my brother, Niall.


Okay, I know it's really short, but there's a reason. Liam's P.O.V next :)


Love you!

Lucy x

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