~Chapter 15~ Alison

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We all piled into the car. Sam, Eleanor, Liam, Louis, Zayn, Niall, Harry, and I. Yes, there was eight of us. We took a van. Louis's van. So there were three rows of seats. The driver was Louis, of coarse, and in the passenger's seat, Eleanor. The second row was Harry, Sam, and Zayn. In the third row was Liam, Niall, and I. Niall was in the middle, separating Liam and I.

Everyone told him to get in between us, since everyone knew that I "liked" Liam. But no one knew that I actually really like him besides Sam.

I really should tell Harry, but I don't know what he'll say. Harry still has to talk to Zayn about the Danielle subject. I don't know what I'll do if Zayn says that he didn't pull away or anything. Everything is revolving around Danielle cheating on Liam.

Liam obviously still loves her, and I don't want to get I the way of them. I keep telling Liam he should give Danielle another chance, but he insists on knowing who she cheated on him with. He still wants to top whoever she kissed, just so Danielle won't do it again. But she wants him back already. I just don't understand him.

"Aliiii," Niall's voice interrupted my thoughts.

I looked to my left and met his gorgeous blue eyes. "Yes?"

He smirked. "You were staring at the back of the seat..I didn't know what you were doing."

I giggled. "I was thinking, dipstick."

He shoved my lightly. "Meany."

The whole car ride, Niall and I smacked each other playfully. Each time, we'd hit harder. I swear, these boys are my brothers. I'm surprised that they aren't blood brothers. We're so alike.

Niall and I like food a lot, Liam and I are caring, Zayn and I have the same fears besides water, and Louis and I..man, we just get along so well with each other.

Harry and I...we both look alike, from our brown hair and our green eyes, to our dimples. Yet, we're completely different. I'm loud, he's quiet sometimes. I'm crazy, he's calm. He talks slow, I talk fast. And he prefers cats, when as I, prefer dogs.

I'm surprised I'm not Louis's sister. I have more in common with him than anyone. I love Louis like a brother. He's always there for me. He is my brother. Just not blood related.

"Are we there yet?" Harry whined.

"No, Harry. Not yet," Louis answered sternly before laughing silently.

"But Louis!" Harry cried.

"Harry!" Louis said back.


"Just shut your mouths you pricks!" Eleanor hushed them. Both of the boys frowned. I could see Louis from the rearview mirror, and Harry, I just knew he was.

"I love you, Louis," Eleanor cooed to her boyfriend as if she didn't even say anything.

He looked over at her and smiled innocently. "I love you, too."

"And Harry..." Eleanor turned to Harry. He smiled brightly, preparing himself to be complimented.

Eleanor put on a serious face. "You're annoying."

"El!" Harry laughed.

She laughed back. "I'm just teasing. I love you, Harry. Just not like I love Louis."

Before Harry could say anything, Louis screamed, "WE'RE HERE!"

"YAY!" Everyone cheered.

Louis pulled into a parking lot across the street from the beach. Everyone got out of the van and ran across the street to the beach. Liam was right next to me and Niall was on my other side.

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