~Chapted 14~ Alison

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I woke up with a ginormous headache and aches all over my body. Hangovers suck.

I just laid on my bed, no moving. It was too painful to move. I wondered if the other lads were awake going through the same thing.

My door opened a crack and the familiar soothing voice came into my ear. "Babe? You up?"

I barely moved my arm and he noticed I was awake. Liam walked over to me and handed me two pills and a glass of water.

"Here you go. That'll help the hangover," he said, rubbing my back.

I took the pills and kissed his cheek as a good morning.

"Thank you for not drinking...I don't know what I would've done," I mumbled.

"I drank a little. Just one glass, and then Niall came and told me that you were going absolutely insane. You almost had a one night stand."

My eyes bulged out of my head, causing my head to pound. I rubbed my temples. Oh my God. What did I do last night?

"I'm just teasing you, babe. I wouldn't let that happen if it did happen," he cooed.

I punched his arm. "Teasing isn't appropriate here..babe," I mocked him.

He gave me a cheeky grin and then kissed my cheek. "Sorry."

I shoved him away. "It's gonna take more than a sorry."

He sighed. "What do you want for breakfast?"

"Pancakes and bacon!" I squealed, but I regretted it right after, due to my head pounding again. I grimaced and rubbed my temples again.

"Just..lie down," Liam instructed. "Don't do anything."

I did as told and lied down again as he left to make me breakfast.

A minute after Liam left, Louis came in, a painful look of his face.

"Hey, Lou," I said.

He gave me a wave before sitting next to me and resting his head on my lap like a little boy. I petted his head as he let out small cries.

"My head..hurts," he whimpered.

"I know Lou. Liam'll be back in a few minutes, and he'll bring you something for the hangover. Where's El?"

"She's asleep the little twit. She needs to care for her lovely boyfriend..."

I let out a small giggle and sighed. "Well, she had to do that all night. You were a pain last night I bet. She was probably up all night."

"Yeah she was," he said wiggling his eyebrows.

I smacked him and he groaned. He patted by leg.

"No, puppy. No."

I rolled my eyes. "Just shut your gob, Lou."

When breakfast was ready, Liam came back with a tray of food and Louis sat up.

"Where's my food?" he asked.

"I didn't know you were in here," Liam replied.

"Well? Go get me some," Louis sassed.

Liam rolled his eyes and left. Louis picked off some food from my tray and stuffed it in his mouth. Almost all of my food was gone by the time Liam came back.

Liam gave me Louis's food and gave Louis his two pills.

"What? Why does she have my food?" Louis asked, shoving me slightly.

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