Chapter 34 ~ Alison

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~Chapter 34~ Alison

Today, Liam's coming to see me and I'm very very anxious to see his face. I've been sitting in bed, looking out from my window for a dark grey car. The car that I saw the day that I got to Harry's flat. The car that Liam is in this moment coming my way.

I find my heart beating against my rib cage and my hands start to shake out of excitement. My mind races and I can picture Liam and I taking a walk in the park and having a long conversation, kissing when we want because it won't be awkward...will it?

I've kissed him before. It's been a month and I'm sure we both feel strongly for each other still. It won't be weird will it? I guess I'll have to find out when he gets here.

He'll be here in less than half an hour.

I hop around a few times, getting rid of the nerves, but I can't help the smile from appearing on my face. I tidy up my desk and then fix my pillows for the tenth time in the hour I've been sitting in here. A Justin Timberlake song plays quietly from my radio and I dance to it about, unable to hide my excitement anymore.

"What is going on?" a voice from behind says. I jump a bit and feel my cheeks warm. I turn to face Sam standing by the door with an amused grin on her face.

"Nothing," I say. "Just...dancing." I gesture towards my stereo and purse my lips awkwardly. She laughs out loud.

"Okay..anyways, when is Liam going to be here?"

It's all real. Liam's coming. I feel so giddy and a bit dizzy. The idea of seeing him makes me feel overwhelmed. I took an hour or two fixing my hair and doing my makeup, plus picking out the perfect outfit. He told me that he wanted to take me out to eat and then take me to a movie, so I tried picking everything out perfectly.

"In a few minutes," I answer, fiddling with the hem of my shirt nervously. I hope I look okay...

"You look lovely, by the way," Sam compliments me. "Liam's going to be happy to see you."

I give her a genuine smile and she grins back. "Thanks, Sammie."

She nods and walks away, shutting the door behind her. I look out the window again and see a few cars pass, but none of them look like Liam's. My stomach churns out of nervousness and I'm getting a bit nervous.

I can just imagine him pulling up to the driveway and then stepping out of his car while I sprint down the stairs, feeling little butterflies in my stomach. I'd greet him with a kiss and huge hug. I'd hug him and only feel it'd be a few seconds, but in reality, it'd be minutes.

Bleep! Bleep! Bleep!

I stare at my phone for a few moments, my heart and stomach rising in my body.

Liam, says the lock screen.

I basically flip on my belly in a quick movement, nearly falling off of my bed and press the 'read message' button.

Almost there xx, it reads. I smile at the text like it's my favourite food. I squeal into my bed and kick my legs excitedly. I hear Sam in the other room banging pots and pans. That's just like her. She's probably putting dishes away.

She's always been a clean freak...

Pulling on a sweater, I walk out to the living room, holding only my phone. The telly is playing a recording of the X-Factor and I can hear the AC turn on. Sam sings to the song a contestant on X-Factor is singing.

I take a seat I the couch and stare at my phone in my hands, waiting for the screen to light up saying that I have a new text from Liam. It's like my phone is purposely mocking me because my notifications go crazy for twitter and Facebook, but my iMessage is silent.

"Relax, babe."

I look up to see Sam standing by the kitchen door, smirking at me, amused. I suddenly realise that I've been staring desperately at my phone.

"I can't. I can't stay calm. It just won't happen," I imply, tossing my phone to the other couch. Sam only chuckles at me and leaves the room mumbling a, "he'll be here soon".

A minute or so later, Sam brings me a cup of tea. "Thank you," I tell her and she leaves. As soon as our door clicks shut, my phone rings. I nearly flip out of bed, spilling my tea. Rushing forward, I grab my phone and answer it willingly.

"Hello?" I ask, a squeal trying to come out of my mouth.

"Hey, love. I'm here. Right outside. Come meet me," Liam says and from the phone and outside my window I hear the beep of a car.

"Uh, Alison!" Sam calls from the kitchen, urgently and I know she means that Liam is here.

"I know!" I call back, running into the room. I run out the door and see Liam getting out of his car. My heart beats so fast and my stomach flips. Liam's head rises and I meet his eyes. We both smile before I run up to him, jumping into his arms.

He hugs me tightly and then lets go. I look at him confused. He gives me one short hug and then lets go? Is that it?

Before I can speak, his lips meet mine in a sweet kiss that makes my lips tingle afterwards. "I've missed you," he says, rubbing my cheek with his thumb as he cups my face.

I connect our foreheads and reply, "I've missed you, too."

* * *

After Liam gets settled into my room, we all sit at the couch with cups of coffee in our hands. Sam made us sandwiches for lunch and although I hate sandwiches, I eat it anyways because I'm hungry.

"So, how are the other boys?" Sam asks. "How's Harry?"

I frown at her for saying that. Not really at her, but more at the fact that I didn't even think of Harry. Liam's been on my mind too much. I guess I'm still mad at Harry, but that doesn't mean I hate him.

"Everyone's good. They all miss you terribly," Liam answers, taking a sip of his coffee. "But Harry...I don't know. He's still mad at me."

I give Liam an empathetic look and he holds my hand. "No one could stop me from coming. They all got a little bit mad I guess...just for the fact that we're recording new songs and everything. But I'm always working. I needed some time to come see you."

I give him a grin and Sam just sits there awkwardly. "I'm gonna go pee," she mutters, standing up and leaving us.

The room goes quiet and Liam and I just look at each other for a minute. "Man, I've missed you..." he says, stroking my cheek.

Instead of replying, I just kiss him. I kiss him with all the passion and love for him I have. I missed the sensation o his lips on mine.

He pulls me closer and soon,

I'm on his lap pretty much, but I don't resist. I only kiss him harder. He's the one to break the kiss and he pecks my lips one more time.

He break heavily and I can smell coffee in his breath, but it doesn't bother me. I just kissed Liam again. Everything is perfect now. Besides my relationship with my brother, but right now, Liam's all I'm worried about, and there's nothing to fix here.


Hey, everyone. I'm sorry that I haven't been writing this story. When was the last time I updated? :o

This chapter is dedicated to @Nicole123Flick because she gave me an idea and I think I've got an idea. So thank you for that comment <3 (:

Okay byeee thanks for reading (:

Lucy x

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2014 ⏰

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