~Chapter 31~ Liam

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It's been two weeks since I've spoken to Alison. Every time that I did text her, I felt another part of my heart fall off. It hurt too much to call her. I miss her voice, but if I were to hear it, if break.

I don't care as much about my appearance, so I usually go to the studio in sweats and a dark t-shirt along with my converse. My hair is almost always a mess, besides when Lou fixes it up. And when I'm going out with the lads, I barely say a word. Harry doesn't speak at all.

In the two weeks, I haven't mentioned what Zayn said. It's always somehow in my head, but I don't say anything. It's bothering me, but I can't say anything.

Maybe it isn't that big a deal...

As for Zayn, he's terrible. Miserable actually. It's been two weeks since his breakup with Perrie, and it's killing him. He feels so guilty. I forgave him when I walked into the studio the next day, but Perrie won't even speak to the dark-haired boy, and it's hurting him.

The boys have been helping me through this Alison thing, so I'm grateful for it. I still hurt, and I want to call oh-so badly just to hear her voice, but I can't. I know I'll bring up Zayn's confession.

Harry is still mad at me. He hasn't spoken to me at all. In the studio, I try to talk to him, but he ignores me. He walks straight passed me to talk to one of the other lads.

"I've tried talkin' to him, mate," Niall says, sitting on my bed. I've moved in with Niall because I didn't see the point in waiting for Harry to say two words: get out.

I moved into his guest bedroom and barely have anything in here. Most of my things, I left at Harry's. I just have the things I use often, like my laptop and clothes.

"Why is he making everything so frustrating?" I ask, grimacing. That's Harry or you: he just makes everything harder.

"'Cause you nailed his sister," he answers and I glare at him.

"Make me feel weird, why don't you?" I snap. He only smiles. That's Niall: he tells you the truth about what he's thinking.

"Liam, you knew that falling for his sister was wrong, right? Why didn't you stop yourself?"

His words stun me for a moment. "Stop myself? Niall, that's impossible."

He shakes his head and looks at me like I'm a madman. "No it's not. You could've moved here before anything."

I shrug, sighing. "I didn't know I was falling until the moment I realised I liked her."

He arches his eyebrows. "Oh really?"

I nod, brushing down my hair with my fingers. I grab my laptop go onto twitter. I log on and go to my notifications. I frown at some of the tweets.

@Real_Liam_Payne how's Alison? Follow back if you see this!

I roll my eyes and go to the next tweet I see, ignoring their request.

@Real_Liam_Payne why Harry's sister? She's nothing special. :/

My eyes pop out of my head at that tweet. Not special? She's the most precious girl in my life! The fact that someone has time to tweet about her only proves how special she is.

I tweet back as Niall watches me, fascinated.

@Real_Liam_Payne: @Liam_gurlllll She's the most special girl I know. You don't know her. I know her more than most people and I adore her. Never judge anyone you don't know

I instantly get retweets and favourites. I get many replies with smiley faces and nice comments. Satisfied, I put my laptop on my bedside and look at Niall.

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