Chapter 4: Reuniting with the Sky Pt. 1

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'Hm...first day back to school...'

Tsuna decided to head to Namimori-Chuu early to avoid his brother--like the other requested.

As he stared at the school in a daze, he didn't notice the other teen standing at the side of the gate--until the older called out to him.

"Omni--Herbivore, what are you doing here?"

Tsuna suppressed a jolt of surprise and looked to the side to see Kyoya.

Strangely, the usual scowl that Kyoya wore when he was younger was not there. And that slip-up couldn't be a coincidence.

Tsuna felt hope fluttering in his chest.

"Kyo...ya-kun?" The brunet winced when hearing his rough voice. 'Only stopped talking for a few days and that happens.' " clo..ud?"

Only those who knew Vongola would know what 'clam' and 'cloud' meant.

Tsuna coughed, rubbing his throat.

Suddenly, he felt warm arms wrap around him, bringing him into a tight hug.

"Omnivore? Is that you?"

Tsuna stilled out of shock before smiling brightly, he nuzzled his head into the other's chest while wrapping his arms around the other.

(O.D.D.- Eto, I'm sorry to disappoint all of you 1827-lovers out there, but this is only a big brother and little brother fluff. Gomenasai. (^_^;))


Kyoya frowned before holding the other at arm's length.

"Omnivore...what's wrong--?"

It was then that silver-blue eyes spotted the bandages that were peeking out ever so slightly from Tsuna's collar and sleeves.

The area became several degrees colder.

"...Who did this, Tsunayoshi?"

Tsuna sweatdropped.

Kyoya only addressed him that way when he was pissed.

The brunet sighed, standing on the balls of his feet to pat the other on the head, dispelling the deathly aura.


Kyoya looked displeased but let it slide--for now. Tsuna coughed again.

'I should probably drink some water...'

The brunet then rummaged around his bag to pull out a notepad and pencil.

*Do you have news on the others?*

Kyoya crossed his arms again as he leaned against the gate.

"No. I haven't seen the other Omnivores yet."

Tsuna slowly nodded his head.

*I was hoping that the others might be like you and me--reduced to our teen bodies but still have our memories and abilities of the future*

Kyoya nodded before glancing to the side; other students were starting to approach the school.

"Get going, Omnivore."

Tsuna merely smiled as Kyoya gave one last quick ruffle of the hair to the brunet's head.

*Hai. I'll see you later, Kyoya-kun. We'll meet up at the roof during lunch?*

"Hn." (Yes.)

*Great! I'll see you then~!*


Nezu...was still Nezu--annoying, obnoxious, faking little piece of--yeah...Nezu was simply the same as the one in Tsuna's world.

A big difference was the class though.

Pretty much everyone in the school was his bully--except Kyoko, Hana and...Takeshi and Ryohei?

Tsuna frowned thoughtfully; he hadn't seen those two--Takeshi apparently wasn't in any of his classes, and Ryohei was...who-knows-where?

The brunet sighed, tuning out Nezu as the man kept on droning on and on about how 'great' he was.



The said brunet froze before slowly turning his head to the familiar voice.

A raven with wide, hazel eyes stared at Tsuna; the teen spoke once more.

"Sei il mio amico?" (Are you my friend?)

Tsuna's eyes teared up slightly.

"Sì. Io sono tuo amico, la mia Pioggia." (Yes. I am your friend, my Rain.)

Takeshi gave a slight, watery laugh before bringing Tsuna into a tight hug.

"Missed ya', Tsuna--even though only one day passed."

Tsuna merely chuckled and returned the embrace.



*Don't worry, Kyoya-kun. It's the Takeshi-kun we know.*

"Haha! Yo, Kyoya!"


Tsuna smiled warmly at his Cloud Guardian's antics.

Despite the lack of response, Kyoya was happy to see another friend.

Yes, Kyoya sees Takeshi as a friend--many strong bonds can be made through a decade.


The rooftop door was flung open.

Panting, a silveret raised his head to look at the three with glowing, silver orbs; the eyes landed on Tsuna.


Slowly, a grin spread across Tsuna's face as the brunet dashed over to the silveret, giving a warm hug to the other.

Ryohei quickly returned the hug.

"It's EXTREMELY you Otouto!"

"Maa, don't forget about us, Ryohei!"


Ryohei released Tsuna before giving an energetic wave to the other Guardians.

"I would never EXTREMELY forget you guys!"

Suddenly, the zealous boxer brought all of them into a group hug.

Kyoya gave an annoyed grunt but complied.

Takeshi merely laughed in the embrace.

And Tsuna smiled warmly, closing his eyes in content.

'I hope to see the others soon...'

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