Chapter 35: Looking Back

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Future-Takeshi shared knowing looks with Tsuna and Hayato as he directed them to the secret Vongola HQ.

Everything proceeded like it had in their past.

Takeshi showed the secret entrance, and Lal collapsed once she passed through the pink lasers.

Although Reborn didn't get to kick Tsuna since the brunet could tell which Reborn was the real one.


This time, Hayato didn't punch Takeshi in the chin as everything was explained.

When everything was settled, Tsuna excused himself, saying that he had to use the bathroom.

Tsuna actually headed to his future-self's office, remembering the way to the room.

After a few series of turns, he found the familiar mahogany doors.

He pressed his hand on a scanner beside the door.

The scanner glowed blue briefly before turning green; the door opened with a click.

"Welcome, Vongola Decimo."

The brunet quirked an eyebrow at the mechanical voice as he entered the room.

'Must be Giannini's doing...'

The light turned on automatically before dimming slightly; Tsuna chuckled.

'Programmed to the lighting that I want? My, Giannini really went overboard with all of this...'

Tsuna glanced around the room and smiled slightly at the familiarity of it all.

He slowly made his way over to his desk and found....the paperwork from he**.

Tsuna looked at the piles of paper with wariness; he glanced around for a bit.


The papers were reduced to a pile of ash, and Tsuna brushed them off of the desk, whistling innocently.

When the ashes were gone, Tsuna then looked at the other objects on his desk.

He picked up his pen and idly twirled it between his fingers as he went through the cabinets in his desk.

He found a slightly worn-out, black journal; he took it out while brushing some dust off of it.

He flipped it open and recognized his hand-writing immediately.

He looked at the pages and flipped through each one; the brunet stopped reading when he found that everything proceeded normally.

Tsuna put the journal away and looked at the other cabinets; he blinked in slight surprise when he found a very thick book.

He took it out, placed it on the desk, and opened it.

When his eyes looked at the first page, a smile immediately appeared onto his face; he chuckled softly.

Apparently, Tsuna found a picture album.

The first picture showed him and his Guardians; it was a nice picture--they all wore suits and sat on a long couch.

Hayato sat at his right, and Takeshi on his left.

Ryohei and Lambo were behind the couch, Chrome and Mukuro were standing on the left side of the picture, and Kyoya was leaning against the wall on the other side.

Tsuna then looked at the second picture and couldn't help but use his hand to cover his mouth to stifle his laughter.

It was the same scene, but everyone was fooling around.

Takeshi was crossing his eyes while sticking his tongue out.

Hayato was scowling playfully at Lambo, who was blowing a raspberry at the silveret.

Ryohei made a hilarious muscle-man pose.

Mukuro and Chrome used strong illusions--so the images could appear in the picture; the two had their faces painted like clowns as they smiled brightly at the camera.

Kyoya--the aloof Cloud--surprisingly made bunny ears behind Tsuna's head, who was making two peace signs at the camera.

Tsuna touched the picture and couldn't help but feel tears prick at the corners of his eyes.


He chuckled, closing the album with a soft 'thump'; he could look at the rest of the pictures later.

Tsuna sighed, wiping the corners of his eyes as he went through the rest of his cabinet.

He found a notebook and opened it; he blinked his eyes in slight surprise.

'Ah. These are my sketches...'

In his original world, Tsuna took up drawing; he was surprisingly good at it when he started with a simple doodle.

Tsuna smiled at the sketches.

A few had Leon, the box weapons, and the other Arcobaleno partners there. Others were filled with his family members.

He stopped at one sketch where his Guardians were interacting with each other; the group was apparently at a beach, playing around in the water and sand.

He smiled once more as he flipped through other sketches before closing the book.

He then found another journal--it looked even more worn-out than the other one; he opened it.

It's Reborn's birthday! Right now, everyone's planning something for that little spartan. I got him a mug that said '#1'--he smirked at it with amusement.
I also served him my brew of espresso, which he kept on asking for ever since I made it when we first met. I still can't believe that he dressed up as an actual baby that day...
Anyways! Everyone had fun and--oh! I nearly forgot about Hiro-kun!

Tsuna raised an eyebrow as he read the next few lines.

Somehow, Hiro-kun managed to get it into that thick skull of his. We're finally a family--although things are still a bit awkward. He apologized for everything he did, so no hard feelings, really.

Tsuna smiled slightly.

'At least things will get better between us...'

Everyone's suddenly disappeared! Well, my Hyper Intuition told me that they weren't in danger, so they must be planning is my birthday after all, haha!
So~the day went like this. I couldn't find a single one of my Guardians, and Reborn wasn't there to wake me up.
Apparently, Kaa-san was in on it too--she had this mischievous twinkle in her eyes whenever she saw me.
I went to school as usual. I never saw anyone that I knew closely so far--even Kyoko and Hana weren't there.
I felt a bit lonely without them there...oh well!
So, after school, I went back home.
I was scared out of my wits once I opened the door.
I thought someone shot me for a brief second when I heard the popping noises in the air.
But of course, I found my family there, welcoming and congratulating me with hugs and smiles.
Best. Birthday. Ever. (^_^)☆
But the highlight of the day was when Reborn approached me.
He was smiling--internally freaked out for a second--as he gave me a small box; it was about the size of two fists.
I opened it carefully and blinked my eyes in surprise when I found keys in there.
Reborn smirked and told me to go outside.
With curiosity, I did so, and found something that shocked me.
A motorcycle.
Reborn bought me a motorcycle!
Quite a fancy orange one too--that's Reborn for you!
....Reborn's just the coolest, sadistic, spartan tutor I could ever get.

Tsuna chuckled and agreed with his own words; he shut the journal and sighed softly.

He sat down in his swivel, leather chair and leaned back, closing his eyes with content; he smiled.

'I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful family...'

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