Chapter 15: The Varia Pt. 2

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"Tsuna-nii...Umbrella-man and the others are coming?"

Tsuna chuckled as he nodded, watching I-pin and Fuuta play around with each other ahead of the brunet; the small group of four recently went out for ice cream.

Lambo yawned.

"Yare, yare...things'll be getting rowdy around here..."

The child stretched from his perch on Tsuna's shoulder, sensing the flame signatures of certain henchmen of a certain self-proclaimed right-hand man.

"See ya', Tsuna-nii.  I'll be acting like a snotty brat for now as you beat up the goons."

With that, Lambo's face became bright with childish glee as he let out an obnoxious laugh, hopping off of Tsuna's shoulder, dashing towards Fuuta and I-pin.

"Gyahaha!  Let Lambo-sama play tag with you!"

Tsuna huffed in amusement at his Lightning Guardian's acting skills.

'He's been improving in them to get out of trouble.'

The brunet chuckled as he recalled the time when Lambo colored Hayato's room with pink.

Tsuna quickly snapped back to reality when he sensed the flames of Levi's henchmen get closer.

The brunet sighed as he ran a hand through his hair; his sunset-orange eyes glowed brightly.

'I hope Levi-san won't think too badly of me for knocking them all out...'


"And that's..." Tsuna tilted his head to dodge a knife to the head and retaliated with a kick to his opponent's stomach. "The last of them."

The henchmen on the ground groaned as they clutched whatever injured area Tsuna dealt them with.

Fuuta, I-pin, and Lambo were hiding near his legs, peeking out when the brunet said that the coast was clear.

Lambo laughed and placed his hands on his hips.

"Gyahahaha!  Lambo-sama has taken out the weaklings!"

Tsuna snickered softly before suddenly grabbing the three with ease, dodging a parabola that embedded itself into the street.

The brunet released the kids as he pushed them behind him, staring at Levi blankly.

The loyal member of the Varia glared at Tsuna, pulling his parabola out of the ground before pointing it menacingly--although not to Tsuna and Lambo since they saw things far more scarier--at them.

"You have my Vongola Lightning Guardian ring.  Give it to me."

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