Chapter 50: The Sky Arcobaleno

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(O.D.D.- Ahaha, let's have some brotherly bonding...sort of...yeah...ahahaha...bluuuuh...._(XD 」∠)_)


"The f**k? These are for me?"

Hiro looked at the brass knuckles he had in his hand. He brought his gaze up to Tsuna, uncertainty flickering across his face as he studied the younger. The darker-haired brunet sighed, crossing his legs on his bed as he looked closer at the brass knuckles.

"Well...alright then. Does this mean I get to join in on your he**ish training?"

Tsuna laughed nervously, taking a seat by his brother, making sure to keep a reasonable distance to give the other some space but close enough to look like he wasn't trying to avoid him or anything.

"Maa, I'm not sure. But...perhaps we can spar each other, hm?"

Hiro seemed uncomfortable at the offer. Before he sighed tiredly.


Tsuna smiled amusedly at the other.

"Haha! You're acting like an old man all of a sudden. No energy for being a brat, eh?"

Hiro scowled darkly at the other reaching over to pinch a cheek.

"You're being the brat. Plus...when I was pretending to be a brat, I cringed at my own actions. D**n, how could any of you stand that? I couldn't even stand myself."

Tsuna whined childishly as his cheek was pinched.

"Ah dunno, yuh looked fuahny." (I dunno, you looked funny.)

Hiro felt a tick mark on his head before he released the other's cheek. He sighed, mumbling under his breath before speaking up.

"Don't you have mafia boss stuff to do?"

"Ah...right." Tsuna tilted his head thoughtfully. "I need to visit a certain person for a test." The shorter brunet looked worriedly at the other. "About becoming Decim--"

"I actually don't care for that sh**," Hiro said airily, waving a hand dismissively. "You can take the title for all I care...but," The taller brunet looked at Tsuna sternly. "From here on out, you aren't doing anything by yourself...unless it's truly necessary."

Tsuna blinked in surprise, a smile curving at his lips.

"Thanks, Nii-san."

Hiro widened his eyes at the name and huffed, turning his gaze away for a moment. It wasn't like it was the first time the younger said it...but it was new...and foreign. Tsuna laughed mentally when he caught sight of an embarrassed blush on his twin's cheeks. The Decimo hummed softly before speaking up first.

"Hey...even though you don't want to be Decimo and all...would you still be a part of Vongola with me?"

Hiro swiveled his head to look at Tsuna, gaze calculating. The Decimo blinked in mild surprise at the sharp, brown eyes that were being directed at him. Tsuna thought idly at what a vast contrast that expression was to the wild, angry looks he had given the shorter brunet when they first met.

'Are Hiro-kun's acting skills that good?'

The shorter brunet was brought out of his thoughts when Hiro sighed deeply.

"I'd only join the mafia to take care of your sorry a**."

Tsuna blinked. Slowly, a smile formed on his lips. His sigh became a chuckle, which soon tumbled out into a laugh, which caused Hiro to look at the other with annoyance and exasperation.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2017 ⏰

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