Chapter 25: Telling the Truth

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"Itterasshai, Tsu-kun, Reborn-kun!  Don't stay out too late!"


Tsuna stepped out of the Sawada Household with Reborn on his head; the brunet shut the door behind him before starting to walk away from the house.

There was a moment of silence before a certain baby hitman broke it.

"...Are you going to tell me?"

Tsuna sighed softly as he continued to look ahead of himself.

"Patience, Reborn.  I want to head to a more secure place."


Tsuna sighed as he walked up a steep, grassy hill; trees covered them overhead.

The brunet finally came upon a clearing, walking up to the edge.

Past the edge was a beautiful view of Namimori at night, where the lights made the town glow softly.

Reborn blinked in slight awe at the view--although he had seen prettier views in Italy.

The hitman jumped off of Tsuna's head once the brunet sat down on the edge.

The brunet had one leg propping up one of his arms as his other leg dangled over the edge of the cliff; Tsuna sighed deeply as he looked at the town below, smiling fondly.

"Kyoya-kun took our entire family up here once for a dinner.  It was a little chaotic, but..." Tsuna chuckled. "It was fun." The brunet turned to look at Reborn. "I was 18 at that time."

Reborn blinked in slight confusion.

"But you're..."

"13, yes." Tsuna looked up at the night sky. "...In this world I am..."


Tsuna slowly looked towards Reborn, who had a Leon-gun pointed at his forehead; the hitman narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Who are you?"

Tsuna rested his cheek onto his palm as he spoke calmly to the other; his eyes glowed slightly in the darkness.

"I am Sawada Tsunayoshi.  Vongola Decimo of my Famiglia." Tsuna sighed as he raised one of his hands to his face; he lit some of his Sky flames at his fingertips. "But I come from a parallel world, Reborn--Sun Arcobaleno of Giglio Nero Luce, your Sky Arcobaleno."

Tsuna smiled sadly at how Reborn's hand clenched tightly around his gun when he heard the familiar name; the hitman slowly lowered his gun as Tsuna continued to speak.

"Gokudera Hayato, Yamamoto Takeshi, Sasagawa Ryohei, Bovino Lambo, Hibari Kyoya, Rokudo Mukuro, and Dokuro Chrome are in the same case as I am.  We are all from a parallel world, reduced to our teenage bodies--but we still have our memories and our powers of our adult selves."

Tsuna stopped speaking and waited for Reborn's reaction; Leon turned back to his lizard form.


The brunet raised his hand in time to block one of Reborn's kicks; the hitman smirked.

"Humph.  You should've told me sooner, Mama."

Tsuna scowled at the other as he shook his hand out--Reborn's kicks still hurt even if he blocked most of it.

"Urusai, Chibi-chan." The brunet huffed as he looked at the other, smiling tentatively. "...So we're good?  No more problems?"

"I'll kill you the next time you hide something from me."

"Uwaah~how harsh."

Tsuna chuckled as offered an arm for Reborn to hop onto, which the hitman accepted easily.

The two slowly made their way down the hill and back home.

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