Chapter 9: The Hentai Doctor

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The said brunet was rubbing the red spot on his forehead as he saw Hayato approach him.

Tsuna gave a smile in return, showing that he was unharmed.

Hayato sighed in relief before turning to the unconscious brunet on the ground; he frowned.

"I...would've never thought that would happen..."

Tsuna sighed before looking past Hayato, finding a certain baby hitman there.

*Konichiwa, Reborn-kun.*

Reborn huffed and tipped his fedora up, worry, amusement, and surprise was evident in onyx eyes.

"Is that all you do when you're nearly mutilated?  Greet people like nothing happened...Mama?"

Tsuna nearly facepalmed at the nickname; he held a scowl back.

After a few seconds, Tsuna eye-smiled and gave a mischievous grin to Reborn.

*I'm fine...Chibi-Chan~!*

The area became a couple of degrees colder.

Tsuna and Reborn were just staring at each other; the emotions ranged from amused, pissed, and exasperated.

Hayato was sweating slightly from the aura the two were emitting.

The two broke off their gazes at the same time and sighed as Hayato sweatdropped.

'The two act as if they've known each other for years--well, in a parallel world--but they've only met for about two days in this world!' The silveret mentally shook his head in amusement. 'It seems that some bonds can go farther than thought to...'

There was a groan and everyone immediately looked down at the slowly-awakening Hiro.

Clicking his tongue, Reborn drop-kicked Hiro, knocking the brunet out again.

"I think it would be best to bring him home and...wipe his memories."

Reborn hopped off of Hiro's head and made Leon transform into a green phone; he dialed a number that was familiar to Tsuna and Hayato when they saw it.


With their sharp hearing, Tsuna and Hayato caught the conversation on the other side of the phone.

"Eeeh?  Reborn?  What're you doing?  I was so close in getting this cute babe to go dating with me~!"

"Shut your trap, Shamal.  I'm not in the mood."

The mafia doctor, Shamal, went silent on the other side of the phone, a bit shocked from hearing the slightly hidden tiredness in the number one hitman's voice.


The said baby sighed and absently played with one of his curly sideburns.

"Just get over here in Namimori, Japan, Shamal, I need you to wipe a kid's memory..."

"...I'll be there in a few hours."

The call ended.



"Ara?  Tsu-kun~!  There's someone at the door!  Can you please get it?  I'm busy cooking dinner!"

Tsuna nodded and walked over to the door, sensing familiar Sun and Mist flames.

He unlocked the door and opened it, spotting a dark-haired brunet man dressed in a white coat.

Shamal turned to look at Tsuna and widened his eyes.

"'re quite the beauty."

A vein pulsed on Tsuna's head, and his sunset-orange eyes narrowed dangerously.

Kick!  Thud.

"Tsuna-sama, stop!  As much as I would want to kill him, we still need him alive to wipe that brat's memories of the Dying Will bullet!"

Hayato was sweatdropping as he was struggling slightly to hold back a demonic Tsuna from mutilating Shamal further; the doctor himself was clutching his swollen cheek from the powerful kick the brunet dealt him with.

Tsuna calmed down slightly, but he continued to glare at Shamal; the brunet grumbled as he went back into his house.


"Hmph.  Who's the brat?"

Shamal stared boredly at the unconscious brunet in front of him.

"I only treat women."

Reborn sighed exasperatedly as he tugged his fedora down slightly.

"...You don't have to heal him.  Just wipe his memory of today's events and that will be all."

Shamal blinked in surprise before remembering the other's tired voice on the phone; the doctor nodded and brought his case out.


"Well, the brat won't remember anything about today..."

Shamal closed his silver suitcase as ran a hand through his hair.

"I'll be back when you need me, Reborn."

Shamal stood up and stopped at the doorway of Hiro's room.

"By the way..." Shamal's eyes filled with hearts. "Who was the cute brunette downstairs?"

Reborn couldn't quite hold back a chuckle as he tipped his fedora up.

"You mean the kid?" Shamal nodded. "That's Mama--or Tsuna--and he's a boy."

Shamal faltered before pouting.

"I'm sure that kid's a girl!  He would be way too feminine to be a boy!"

Just then, an icy aura was aimed at the perverted doctor.

Shamal shakily turned to see a very livid Tsuna.

*You think that I'm a girl, Shamal-san?*

The doctor didn't answer as Tsuna eye-smiled.

*Shall I turn you into a woman for that?*

Shamal then proceeded to escape through the window; Reborn was laughing his butt off inwardly as Tsuna was smirking evilly at the bolting doctor.

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