Chapter 6: Babysitting the Spawn of Satan

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" that...?"

Tsuna sighed exasperatedly before nodding his head, giving a hidden message through his sunset-orange eyes to silver-blue ones.

*Just act like you usually would.  And don't show any signs of recognition to Reborn.*

Kyoya merely blinked his eyes to show that he understood.

"Omnivore...I'll make an exception for today.  Make sure the baby doesn't cause any...disturbances."

With that, Kyoya closed his eyes and leaned against the wall by the school entrance, ending the conversation there.

Tsuna gave a nervous smile to the elder teen before walking away from the other.


It was now lunch time, and Tsuna had to ignore all of the stares he was given.

After walking down the hallways for a few minutes, he met his happy-go-lucky Rain.

"Hey, Tsuna--wait a second...."

Takeshi gazed at Reborn with surprise; the infant was currently strapped to Tsuna's back.

The raven smiled amusedly before deciding to say something to tease the brunet.

"Did you become a mommy, Tsuna~?"

A full-blown blush spread across Tsuna's face as he spluttered incoherent words.

The Decimo whacked his Rain on the shoulder before pouting; Takeshi raised his hands up in surrender.

"Maa, gomen, Tsuna!  I just felt the urge to tease you!"

And then a childish voice spoke up.


The two teen blinked their eyes with shock; there gazes landed on Reborn, who was smiling *cough*evilly*cough* at Tsuna.


Tsuna paled and sweatdropped, glancing at Takeshi who...


...promptly lost it.

Takeshi had tears rolling down his cheeks as he clutched his stomach; his laughter hadn't ceased yet.

Tsuna felt a vein pulse at his forehead as he narrowed his eyes at Takeshi.

Sensing the other's growing displeasure, Takeshi's laughs died down to choked chuckles.

"Pfft--Le-Let's head to the r-rooftop, neh?  Pfft!"

Tsuna scowled at the other before huffing, crossing his arms as he refused to look at the raven as they made their way to the rooftop.

Takeshi was stifling his laughter the entire way, completely unoffended by the brunet's behavior.




Tsuna puffed out his cheeks as he swatted a certain silveret and raven with his notebook.

Kyoya was smirking on the side, not bothering to hide his amusement.

The brunet groaned and buried his face into his hands as Takeshi--still chuckling--gave a comforting pat on the shorter teen's shoulder.

"Maa, it's not that bad!"

*He called me something of the opposite gender!  How can that be 'not that bad'!?  Calling me 'Papa' would've been just fine!*

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