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Hello, randomly radiant readers! (And wonderfully wacky writers!) I appreciate all that you guys have done and all of you deserve a great, big hug.

*Reaches out to hug you through the screen but ends up plastered against the glass*

Aw, well. That was creepy anyway.

So, I wanted to say...


I will continue this story if someone, (Umbridge's annoying *ahem*) would request imagines...

Just kidding. But seriously, (no, not Siriusly) I'm running out of ideas for imagines! It's, *sniff* just so sad! All these fictional characters want is to be loved! And, and *loud honk into a tissue* you guys won't give me ideas so you can let me let you love them!

(*Charlie Brown's Teacher sound*)
You will?
(*More teacher honking*)
You mean it?
(*Slightly annoyed teacher honking*)
Oh, goodness! Thank you guys, thank you very much!
(*Slightly flattered teacher honking*)
No, I absolutely have to thank you! You saved imaginary characters' love lives with readers all over!
(*Teacher honking*)
Thanks again!


So, back to the point, my new story is going to be called, "The Thief". It's going to be Teen Fiction/Romance, or something like that. Here's the blurb:

"They say he's known everywhere."

"He's notorious, you mean."

"Yeah, whatever. But, they call him 'The Theif'. He's the best there is. Ask anybody."

"He's the best at what, exactly?"

She rolled her eyes like it was completely obvious.

"Stealing hearts."

I hope you guys like it! Tell me what you think, I absolutely loooove feedback.

I wish you with the good fortune of Jensen Ackles' face in your mind for the rest of your day/night,


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